
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by lone_faction_saga, Jan 19, 2024.

  1. While the account name is lone_faction_saga, feel free to address me as LFS - it's simply a site account, but I find it helps to keep all these sorts of accounts simple across the board, makes it easy to log into accounts meant for the support of the site.

    Currently in the process of building the forum - a long and rather arduous affair when you work full-time but rather rewarding all the same. I figured it would be best to go ahead and get some preliminary stuff out of the way so that when we go live, we can dive straight into it.

    I may not be super active around the RPGfix forums but I look forward to getting some work done, and if I make some friends on here along the way, all the better!
  2. Welcome to the forum!