
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Sandman, Aug 5, 2014.

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  1. Sandman

    Sandman Newcomer Game Owner


    I'm Sandman, a writer, administrator, and site creator who was referred to this site via the RPG advertising network (I can't specifically recall where I heard about RPGFix; however, it was listed in the top echelon of sites to advertise on. I hope that my site can be added in to the mix, once I get a feel for the place.

    In the real world, I'm a Corrections Officer. Work long days/evenings/nights, and often spend the majority of my week working. I love sports, writing, outdoors (especially rappelling and rock climbing, and shooting :3), and I'm working toward earning a place as a Deputy on the road.

    That's about it really, as much as I can say anyway.
    Shriker likes this.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome aboard, Sandman! Is there any particular reasoning behind your username? :) (Neil Gaiman reference perhaps?)
  3. Welcome, Sandman! Just reading your hobbies makes me tired. More power to you!
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