Quarantine Hobbies?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by mystic by moonlight, May 15, 2020.

  1. mystic by moonlight

    mystic by moonlight Newcomer Game Owner

    Has anyone been learning new things while dealing with lockdown quarantine? I've been working on my languages but not as much as I should be!!
  2. Tartle

    Tartle Resident Game Owner

    I was trying to upstart a photography business when quarantine hit like a sack of potatoes. So I wound up taking photos of jumping spiders. lol. It happened completely by chance when I came across this spider (she is now my pet named Francis) and took photos of her. I've learned a lot about macro photography in a short amount of time. It's been a blast! 101011332_249257706361995_7179174947799957504_n.jpg
    Agent_D_WIB and Shriker like this.
  3. achromatic

    achromatic Newcomer Game Owner

    That's a beautiful photo! I'm not a fan of spiders but that one's actually kind of cute.

    I started getting into punch embroidery and my flatmate's been getting into knitting and macrame, so between the two of us, there's a lot of strange fabric around the flat these days.
  4. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio Newcomer Game Owner

    It's not so much that I started new hobbies, but I've been returning to old ones. Roleplaying being the biggest one that I've gotten back into afte being on a hiatus of, I don't even know how many years. Additionally, I've been baking more and gotten back into photography.
  5. Goodgis

    Goodgis Newcomer

    Understanding the vast and chaotic world of Linux. It has become the ultimate quest...
  6. StarWarsGC

    StarWarsGC Newcomer

    I've played more games in 2020 than I have in the last 3 months combined.
  7. Finn

    Finn Fresh Blood

    I actually got back into writing because of quarantine! An 8 year hiatus?
  8. Sere

    Sere Resident Game Owner

    I cannot say I have really been learning anything. I have been reading, gaming, and painting Pathfinder figures. lol
  9. Boneshakers

    Boneshakers Newcomer Game Owner

    I have definitively been playing more video games and writing more since lockdown.
  10. Surprised no one has mentioned Animal Crossing in this thread yet! It was released at the perfect time for dissociating yourself on to a tiny island, hah
  11. Sprite

    Sprite Newcomer Game Owner

    More play-by-post rpgs! This hobby was made for quarantine.
    I've been meaning to learn the tarot for years, so my new lock-down hobby is pulling three cards every day and trying to figure out what they mean.
  12. mythandmen

    mythandmen Newcomer

    I've been super busy with my job this year actually so not a lot of free time, but I recently got into miniature making. I just finished a ridiculously long project for a holiday living room scene. I had to build everything from scratch - the couch, the lamp, the lights, the rug, presents, Christmas tree, etc. It was crazy, but I'm so proud I've finished!
  13. royal_poet

    royal_poet Newcomer Game Owner

    Making new roleplay sites, photoshop... much the same as before but with so much more time for it. I love it.
  14. NessaXO

    NessaXO Newcomer Game Owner

    Forum Roleplay and Genshin Impact for sure!
  15. Arizona

    Arizona Newcomer Game Owner

    Valheim--AKA Viking homesteading simulator.
  16. Sivvi

    Sivvi Newcomer

    In terms of life, I've technically been under the quarantine life since I was 17, but I mean, during actual quarantine, I did the obvious thing and made bread. Just normal white bread, from a bread maker, but still. Oh, and I've picked up reading again. Proper reading of novels and stuff.
  17. Agent_D_WIB

    Agent_D_WIB Newcomer

    Between recovering from the 'what in the h..." mood when I got sent home and then laid off when the lockdowns started... and getting reemployed around the time the vaccines were available, I really got into amigurumi. So I have all kinds of little crochet critters and objects around on my desk at home and now at my job. :P
  18. soar

    soar Newcomer Game Owner

    Writing and playing various games. Not at all too different than what it was pre-Covid!
  19. caporushes
    Caffeine Fix

    caporushes Newcomer Game Owner

    This isn't a new hobby, but lately I've gotten back into my dolls/miniatures hobby... Photography and crafts and stuff. It's certainly kept me busy, but I'm a bit of a shut-in to begin with haha. Still, nice to get into it again...
  20. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    Well I started drawing, but I'm visually impaired so I'm not very good XD I have been working on my quizzing though! I'm really hoping to be a contestant on The Chase one day so I've had a lot of time to practise and I've been taking full advantage of it!
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