Once upon a time...

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kohana, Mar 21, 2014.

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  1. Kohana

    Kohana Newcomer

    I had a cool story.

    Then someone said "Cool story, bro." so I never told it again.

    My name is Kelly, although my nickname is Kohana. I have been roleplaying under the alias Kohana for as long as I can remember, so even though I have no issue with people calling me Kelly, or even knowing my name, I still use it because it is a part of who I am now. It was actually a nickname given to me a by a friend. Oooh. Ahhh. I know, most people these days give themselves nicknames. A friend of mine wanted to give me an anime related nickname for a fan site we were creating, so I was like sure! And the she asked me to give her one, but she hated them all and told me hers was just going to be Ai. Ah well, at least mine ended up being a real nickname!

    Do you have a cool story about your alias? Probably better than mine... xD
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome Kohana! :) I don't really have much of a cool story about my alias. It just came about when I was messing around with the letters in the word "universe" and then it ended up sticking.

    Nicknames that other people have given me on the other hand though have been all over the place. I've been known as Jods, Toad, Wheels, Spec, and a few others.
  3. Kohana

    Kohana Newcomer

    Is toad by chance a reference to Mario at all? My friend Kristi calls me Toad on game nights because I always choose him in any mario related games, and no one is allowed to challenge me on it. xD
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Oh no, I wish though! I got the nickname from my grandparents because I used to collect and catch a lot of toads as a kid. Then it sort of stuck and one side of my family still calls me that. Toad is a great character to play! Same with Kirby. I like being him in Super Smash Brothers.
    Kohana likes this.
  5. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    I'm still new myself, but a welcome from me too!

    There isn't really much about my username. Mayu comes from my first character that I made after my long break from role play called Mayu Akabane. Mayu came from an AKB48 member I used to like (lol), and Akabane was just the name of a building I walked passed everyday on the way to school. Since Mayu wasn't taken, I decided to just shorten it to Mayu on this site.
    Kohana likes this.
  6. Kohana

    Kohana Newcomer

    Kirby is total cheat in Super Smash Brothers! People hate when I play him because I never die. xD I was nicknamed Ms. Pickles in elementary school because every day after school I would use my allowance to buy a pickle.

    Edit to avoid a double post, but I think Mayu is really cute! And that is a good story in and of itself!
    Mayu likes this.
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