New member here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Mayu, Mar 15, 2014.

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  1. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    Hello there! My name is Mayu and I am here looking to list my recently made site on this directly. I found this site on another site I role play which is also listed on this site.

    I am not really sure what else to say so I will just throw out some of my hobbies. I have been role playing for years, but only came back from a long break about a year ago. I play a lot of RPG gamess on PSP, Vita, and PS3. I have also been playing PSO2 for about a year. I also can sort of play the violin, but sort of not at the same time, lol.

    Well, that is all I can think of for an introduction!
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Mayu! What's your favourite game on the Vita?
  3. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    Thank you for the welcome!
    I would say my favourite game is Project Diva F. Not exactly an RPG, but I most of the RPGs I play are on PS3. I am waiting for F 2nd to come out in two weeks.
    What about yourself? Do you also own a Vita?
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Nah, no Vita for me. I still only have Nintendo handhelds (I've never been able to shake my Pokemon addiction) as well as an old PSP. I do most of my gaming on the PC these days. :)
  5. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    Ooh, I see.
    I sometimes play strategy games on the PC, but aside PSO2, but isn't much I play regularly on the PC. I have a Nintendo 3DS, but I don't have any games for it. I used to have Animal Crossing, but I gave it to my friend.
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