New here! Avid Wolf and Equine roleplayer

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lawlius, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. Lawlius

    Lawlius Newcomer

    Hi, everyone! I'm new here- I mainly rotate between fantasy wolf and equine roleplay.

    I like coding, graphic design, video games, anime, cosplay, animals, pokemon, zelda, anime, and plushie making, heheh c:

    I make horse plushies- either from video games or based on roleplayer's original characters.
    Baby Epona Plush - OPEN FOR COMMISSIONS by Amouranth on DeviantArt

    Nice to meet everyone! ^^
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hey @Lawlius! Welcome! That is one really wicked Epona plush. How long have you been making them (and plushies in general) for?
  3. Lawlius

    Lawlius Newcomer

    Thanks! Epona is actually my first plushie- made it a few months ago. Sold it, then made another Epona with slight improvement and that's it. (:
    I've been sewing since 2010 though~
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    That is so very cool! :penguin: Do you find that you do a lot of hand-stitching, or are you one of those people who is super adept with a sewing machine? (I can barely sew a straight line with a sewing machine myself.)
  5. Novelty

    Novelty Newcomer

    Hi there c:

    that plush is super adorable!

    Also, if you made those cosplays, too, holy crap o___o That Link is amazing!
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