
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Catharsis, Mar 23, 2014.

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  1. Catharsis

    Catharsis Fresh Blood

    Good tidings to you all!

    My name is Libby, otherwise known as Catharsis, Nocturnal, Snowflake and Kära, name me what you will :)

    I am an extremely avid roleplayer, with 8 years on my sleeve. I've written within the lore of High-Fantasy, Low-Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Fanon (Such as Star Wars, GoT, TES) and Own-World RPG. Writing is a passion of mine, some might even say addiction - and they wouldn't be too far wrong, although there's nothing wrong with that! - and as such I like to maximise the experience others have through the same medium.

    I'll have to be honest and come out straight, I'm not currently looking for a site to join, so much as advertising one, my hands are full with running two sites as well as college, amongst other obligations. However I am looking forward to getting to know this community, maybe search out potential future-haunting grounds.

    At present I work within a site known as Star Wars: Chaos, however I'm here on other matters. Recently (within the past two months) I took it upon myself to gather up some like-minded friends and began to brainstorm a TES (The Elder Scrolls) RPG Site. With the initial beta-testing out of the way (we're using systems none of us had ever before tested, but they work very well) it is now open to the general public, and already we have 50 members despite having been open for so short a time.

    Anyway, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask - about myself, that is, I'll be posting up an official forum advertisement for the RPG Site later on.

    Many thanks, and regards,

    - Libby.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Libby! :) What are your favourite things about the Star Wars and Elder Scrolls universes?
  3. Draegon

    Draegon Newcomer

    Hi Libby! Welcome to RPGFix! Skyrim is the first of the Elder Scrolls games that I have played. I enjoyed it but never got round to finishing it (I did play for 60 hours though XD).
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