Memories of Yesterday (Discussion)

Discussion in 'Game News & Discussions' started by Idle Omens, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    We are Idle Omens, a member-based troupe that brings many stories alive. Our current story and game is known as Memories of Yesterday, as the quote above says . . . we are bridging urban fantasy with high, alternative world narratives. Based on the cynicism of Good Omens - not the story of it - and the terrible real-world predictability of America's next president, the story takes place in the last winter humanity is believed to have.

    The world is ending.

    What side will you find yourself on when the Creator rebels against the Father?

    Membership is free and requires approval of only two people - the moderators. Earning their approval is easy, it just requires you opening a dialogue with them either here or on Dreamwidth.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2016
  2. Selina

    Selina Newcomer

    As the second moderator to this game, I do hope that we receive some interest here. We need a large number of players to keep the entire concept of an 'active' world alive. It otherwise, with the number we have, makes it a bit confusing to handle all the NPCs so that no one is left out.
  3. I imagine that a lot of the interest isn't coming because if people read it, we're still in the prologue where our 'real' selves are still in the modern world. Give it time, guys. I mean, most of our interest came from our character interaction, not from us describing how we're going to get into the Second World.
  4. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    True. Well, I figure we'll begin dropping people inside the world after we finish this cycle to give people a chance to throw a character together or discuss any alterations in the meantime. I know I'm working with our Helel and Satan to ensure that they're on the same page when it comes down to what these characters are. Helel's player, as we all know, I'm not worried about at all. Satan's player is showing great promise.
  5. BrokenLament

    BrokenLament Fresh Blood

    Since I saw that I was mentioned, if not by actual name . . . screw it, I'll sign up. I want more people to play demihumans, specifically males. (I play Helel, for those viewing this not of Idle Omens.)
  6. Deceiver

    Deceiver Newcomer

    Since you mentioned, and Becky told me she joined up, I did too.
  7. Yep, looks like we're all coming over here. :)
  8. Twilight

    Twilight Fresh Blood

    Hey guys, I'm here too. Looking forward to netting more interest, hopefully.
  9. Twila

    Twila Fresh Blood

    We are, girl. We are. I'll see if some of our readers will join to vote.
  10. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    I should also mention that we're now moving forward. Once every one finishes this cycle, I'll give people the format to delve into the Second World, should they wish to go ahead and do so.

    Mind you, such posts will require time, so make sure you have it available before you opt to plunge.
  11. Deceiver

    Deceiver Newcomer

    A question about jumping in to the 2nd World, I'll ask here since Dreamwidth isn't liking my mobile right now ...

    Since I am only playing Satan, do I retain any of my AA's mentality, or is it consumed by that of the character?
  12. Selina

    Selina Newcomer

    Email alerts are fun. xD

    Well, you'll retain some of the AA's consciousness until Has'im awakens to His actual self, I'd imagine. Really, it is totally up to you how much you want to make this like Overlord's MC, where you know yourself, but also know who you are in the other world ... or if you just want to observe it from a dreamlike state, like the pre-Game firsts did.
  13. Deceiver

    Deceiver Newcomer

    Thanks. I'll talk to Kai a bit later about what we're doing. I think you girls will like what the guys are plotting.
  14. Twilight

    Twilight Fresh Blood

    Well, I do know what you guys are plotting. BWAHAHA. Well, me and Emily, anyway. <_< Or do we? I love how you and Becks are like total opposites, though Mark.
  15. I join and see my name. Coincidence, or fate?
  16. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    To let any one watching know, Laney is in the hospital but will be back Monday, we hope.
  17. Deceiver

    Deceiver Newcomer

    That's crap, man. Hopefully all is well and she recovers from whatever it is. Though, that would explain why Selina hasn't gotten back to my questions.
  18. Yeah, things happen and since this isn't the most demanding RP? I've literally gone to look at it only twice a day, unless its the person before my post.
  19. Which is something I am thankful for. I'm trying to convince Meggles to join this site, but she's really not feeling the entire new community thing. Which I see nothing wrong with us migrating here and using this discussion topic as a means for us to coordinate RP stuffs.
  20. Selina

    Selina Newcomer

    I don't think she'll be joining us here, honestly. From what we've talked about? She really just wants to keep herself to the RP and her personal life.