Living in the Database~

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Database Monitor, Mar 3, 2015.

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  1. Database Monitor

    Database Monitor Fresh Blood

    Hello folks, young and old!

    I am the Database Monitor and I hail from, of course, another Roleplaying site. Of course as to not infringe on the rules of the board, I won't link or mention its name.

    I've been apart of this particular Roleplaying site for about a year but I have been roleplaying for about ten years total now. Much of my life has been based around words, and I love it. It's a passion of mine which I truly do not have to force myself to enjoy and it comes naturally to me. I've written many side-stories, short stories, and I've started (keyword started) two novels, all of which I've yet to finish because of life. I've got pretty far with the two, but I just have to stop being lazy and finish them.

    I am also a Gamer. I play almost everything I can get my hands on and it's even better when a Roleplay Forum has some sort of game basis to it.

    So ye, HAI.

    If y'all have any questions or anything, let me know. I'm simply a messenger from the other Forum but interacting with fellow RPers is always interesting and fun. Well, until you bump into the trolls and idiots but that's beside the point. XD
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Oh hai! What kind of databases do you monitor? :P

    Also, have you used any software in particular to help you organize your novels? I've completed NaNoWriMo a few times and completely swear by Scrivener. I'm able to take my hand-doodled notes and actually turn them into something semi-readable.
  3. Hi! Nice to meet you :)

    I'm so glad everyone seems to have the same message here. "No drama!" lol. I love it.

    I've also started two novels, and not finished because life. We should really do something about that pesky real world. It's always getting in the way. ;)

    What do you write about?
  4. Babadabbada I loving it XD
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