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Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Silvertongue, Oct 15, 2015.

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  1. Silvertongue

    Silvertongue Fresh Blood

    Hi everyone. :3

    I'm not usually into talking about myself very much, but I suppose I'll have a go at this anyways.

    I'm a modern viking in my twenties whose weapon of choice is my imagination - usually utilized in the form of roleplaying or similar forms of storytelling. I also play the sims 4 which has proven another great basis for such; a discovery that resulted in two separate stories I'm running simultanously on facebook. (because I just can't do regular blogs. *sigh*)
    However all that creativity occasionally takes a variety of other forms too.

    Hand in hand with my creative spark goes my extensive reading habit (Give me fantasy/YA/ Sherlock Holmesian tales or renowned classic such as the three musketeers, or basically anything that would answer to that) and my life-long love for Disney's animated movies, which by the years extended to encompass so many kinds of family oriented adventures, fantasies and musicals.

    The first is important because it's what gave me the spark to write and to an extent helped shape my hold on language and the different aspects that helps one evolve as a writer.
    The latter is important because it tends to be what I 'mostly' have roleplayed. I do have original characters as well and a semi-developed universe - but any novel of mine is thus far in my head only, and not on paper. It's ironic, no? But when you are trying to not only be an active roleplayer, but also a co-admin of a given site it takes its toll. Plus real life's such a drag.
  2. Welcome, oh modern Viking! I really enjoy your comments on roleplaying and why you do it. I think in some ways I fall into similar reasons for my love of it.
  3. Ruin

    Ruin Resident Game Owner

    Hey there Silvertongue! Welcome to RPGfix. :)
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