I'm new! Hello!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Molz6659, Mar 8, 2015.

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  1. Molz6659

    Molz6659 Fresh Blood

    Hello! So after roleplaying on various sites for nearly ten years now, I figured it's time to get out there and create my own. It's a lot more work than I originally thought it would be, but hey, I'm getting there! About me? Well, my real name is Molly (though friends call me Molz), I'm 22 and just about to graduate from community college. I do theatre in my spare time, currently working on the show Chicago for my college, and I love roleplaying.

    Not sure what else to say though.

    A few random facts:
    I used to roleplay Harry Potter sites, but now I'm stuck on Fantasy / post apocalyptic.
    My favorite color is blue
    I'm addicted to Cream Soda :P
    I have two dogs (A shih tzu and a Maltese)
    I want to be a writer one day, but we'll see how that goes :P

    I think that's it! Say hi and tell me a few things about yourself!

    What's your favorite color? Do you have pets? What do you do in your spare time?
    Shriker likes this.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hey there Molz! What are you hoping to do after college?

    I'm a warm fuzzy who has two cats, a whole bunch of freshwater shrimp, and I'm just at the beginning of starting a brand new Shadowrun tabletop campaign with some friends. :)
  3. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    We have five dogs though we sometimes host the fam's pets as well, like a daycare for canines sorta.But all those little dogs make tiny little messes so it's a bit more convenient than having a large dog ;) Favorite color is green, it legally allows me to honk at the car in front of me!
  4. Cyn

    Cyn Newcomer Game Owner

    Hi, I'm new to the group too! Nice to meet you :)
  5. 78945

    78945 Newcomer

    Welcome! More new people is great!
  6. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    In our collective yet distinct 'artform' it is always a good thing to encounter others who enjoy the same craft/hobby. It takes a special mind to be capable of placing self outside the confines of RL and as a group together we can all learn and improve. I hope to learn more from you, so thank you and welcome :)
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