Howdy Doody, Dandy Macaroni

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by magicalrayne, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. magicalrayne

    magicalrayne Fresh Blood

    Hello Boys & Squirrels,

    I don't often do introductions but wanted to pop in like everyone else for a shiny badge :3

    Roleplaying has been a big part of my life since I started at around 11ish with Warriors (yes, the book about feral cats and clans) which branched into pan-fandoms galore to fantasy and now supernatural real-life settings. It is fun to hear everyone's background in rp'ing, how they started to where they are now, and what was the most impactful experience. I always thought that writing would be difficult but I stuck through it over the years and went from writing one-liners to 1000 words if the muse is right for it.

    Anyways, I could ramble and talk about everything RP has done but I don't have the energy so signing off for the time being. o/
  2. Welcome!

    I was an RPer on and off since I was in middle school. It was Warrior Cats for me too. XD
    I only truly took up RP as a hobby in recent years when I found Court of the Fallen.