Hi There, Roleplaying Friends

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by USSCerberus, Mar 18, 2015.

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  1. USSCerberus

    USSCerberus Newcomer


    My name is Erin, and I've been simming for nearly 20 years. My original fandom was Dragonriders of Pern, which I started before I was old enough to join any of the sites. They were all 13+ but I lied about my age to join. I've continued writing in that fandom for a good long while... and I still run a DROP simm in addition to my Trek simm.

    Outside of simming, I'm rather well-known in a good number of circles. My biggest claim to fame in Trekdom is from making Star Trek related photomanipulations (http://thatgeekchick.deviantart.com). I'm also extremely active on a Star Trek social media site known as Star Trek Risa. I've done an assortment of other 'net things too, like podcasting and blogging, but at the moment I'm kind of between projects. I've been tempted to write a vlog for some time, though. I love watching TV shows that make me think... things like Sherlock, Forever, Agents of SHIELD, etc. If I ever made another RP it would likely be Agents of SHIELD.

    Hope to get to know some of you!
    Shriker likes this.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Erin! Hm, nearly twenty years and DROP... Did you ever get into the M* scene back in the day? I remember Harper's Tale MOO being really popular among some of my friends of long-long ago.
  3. USSCerberus

    USSCerberus Newcomer

    No, I played non-Pern MUDs, but I never got into any of the Pern related M*s. I dunno, I guess I'm more fond of the PBEM/Play-by-post style.
  4. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    Welcome to the conversation! It is very hard to find good Trek artists so it is always nice to meet another. I used to have several of the Dragonriders novels, unfortunately they were lost during years of moving >.< I do hope that you find a new project soon, idle hands and all that heh
  5. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    That is some sharp work, I may plead annoyingly in the future for images! Every edge a Trek SIM can get on the competition is a potential lifesaver :)
  6. USSCerberus

    USSCerberus Newcomer

    Oh don't I know it. There are tons of us, so anything that you can do to attract attention to yourself is important.
  7. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    As long as it's good attention ;) There's a lot of games out there that get notoriety when they lose sight of the fact we 'serve' players
  8. USSCerberus

    USSCerberus Newcomer

    Yeah, I've heard all sorts of horror stories...
  9. Cyn

    Cyn Newcomer Game Owner

    Hi and welcome to the site!
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