heyyyy jude,

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by heyyyjude, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. heyyyjude

    heyyyjude Newcomer

    Hi, hello, how ya doing?

    My go-by is Jude, it was something that just stuck back in 2006 when I started to get into RP and I haven't really gone by anything else online. Even my friends I've had since the early RP days still call me Jude, even though they know my real name XD

    As I stated above, I started RP'ing back in 2006 because I loved writing in general and the idea of writing with other people really spoke to me. I started off on a Covenant RP site (The Covenant, 2006 movie) and was on that site for some time before branching out to other role plays. I dabbled in mafia-esque and vampire/werewolf roleplays, but eventually wound up on real life/slice of life sites and that just sort of stuck. I like the idea of creating your own world, drama and making connections with other likeminded people.

    I took several breaks away from the RP world from 2010-2014, finding my way back to real life RP's and enjoying a few of my RP friends that I had made along the way. After 2014 things started to get a little rocky in my life and I stepped away. I've always done one-on-one RP with one of my friends on a sandbox site, through shared word docs and now discord during this time (off and on). About the end of December 2023 I decided that I wanted to dive back in to the RP world and give it another shot. A lot has changed in the almost 10 years I've been gone so I'm looking forward to getting back out there and seeing what the RP world has to offer.

    Also, outside of RP'ing I love KPOP and hockey. Two things that shouldn't go together but are my favorite things outside of the worlds I try to create!

    Thanks for listening to me ramble! I hope you all have a wonderful day <3
  2. Welcome to the forum, and welcome back to the world of RP! XD
  3. odd

    odd Resident Game Owner

    Welcome back!