Hey Everyone

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Clover, Aug 11, 2015.

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  1. Clover

    Clover Newcomer

    I'm Clover, a forum RPG of much experience. I started on Neopets (lol) way back in 2003, moved to a Zelda site in 2005, became an administrator, and then I went on hiatus for a couple years. 2015 marks my comeback. I'm mostly interested in Legend of Zelda rpgs. I probably won't find the time or motivation to try anything else. I currently have two characters on The Sinking Lure RPG, which is based in Twilight Princess Hyrule. The members there are awesome writers and the admins are creative, hilarious, and ambitious!
  2. RaWolfe

    RaWolfe Resident Game Owner

    Welcome towards RPGFix :D
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