Hey all!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by TheVineyard, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. TheVineyard

    TheVineyard Newcomer Game Owner

    Hey, sup? I don't generally introduce myself, but I figured fuck it why not? Since I don't know what to say, I'll simply supply you with some insightful questions below. But absolutely feel free to ask me anything else you'd like.

    • How long have you been RPing? Since I was in high school ( so a while people)..lol
    • What are your favorite RP genres? Man, that is really hard to narrow down because I like a few of them -- I would say--- modern // modern fantasy // historical // historical fantasy.
    • How do you like to RP (Forum, chat, email)? I don't generally mind any sort of play. However;now a days my time isn't always flexible so I would lean more towards forums and email. Though I do tend to be a little pick with whom I play with ( I know what a asshat ) I prefer advance players, who are willing to post at least bare minimum 200+ words with detail.
    • What is your favorite book, movie or type of music (or all three)? I use to read a lot, it would be nice to get back into it. I just can't seem to get myself back there. Right now? I guess am a bit cliche' because I'm currently watching Stranger Things, Walking Dead, Big Mouth and American Horror Story. Music I'm a little all over the place --- I'm currently digging The Killers, Bastille, Judah and the Lion, Twenty One Pilots
    • What other interest/Hobbies do you have? Hobbies? Do people still have those these days?
    • What's your favorite color? Blue
    • What's your favorite drink? Coke
  2. Kitoto

    Kitoto Newcomer

    Welcome to the site
  3. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Hello there and welcome to RPG Fix :)