
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by LadyLizard, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. LadyLizard

    LadyLizard Newcomer

    Hello all! Short term lurker, first time registered. I've only roleplayed on two sites until now, but I'm interested in expanding my horizons and it seemed like registering would help with that.

    I've got eleven years of writing and five years of roleplaying experience, and my areas of expertise are growing all the time. My first short story was written when I was eight, and believe me when I say it was cringe-worthy XD Ever since then, I wrote plenty of stories (well, started and never finished). Roleplaying didn't come along until a few years ago when I was on an online forum that had a roleplaying board. The writing part intrigued me, and when I found fandom/parody boards, I was hooked. From there I also started writing fanfics, my only published works but ones that have gathered an international reading platform in some way.

    My favourite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. Anything is possible in a fantasy world, and sci-fi that's heavy on the science is probably one of my favourites. Science had always been one of my favourite subjects in school, and it was a love that transferred into reading and writing. But I'll play anything, which has led to a few strange roleplays and characters, but just as many awesome ones.

    So anyway, hey all! Hope to get to know some of you soon.
  2. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    Welcome aboard LadyLizard, :) I like the fantasy setting. Swords, sorcery and seemingly insurmountable odds make great reading IMO, :)
  3. LadyLizard

    LadyLizard Newcomer

    Yeah, definitely! Both the sword-and-sorcery and sword-and-sandal are genres I always found interesting. Thanks for the welcome!
  4. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    Give my site ago, it's in my signature. We are pretty new and could use some more writers/role players to help get us off the ground, :)
  5. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Hiya LL, seems we're on the same page in all things. We're already friends from elsewhere :D