
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Bri, Dec 28, 2015.

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  1. Bri

    Bri Fresh Blood

    Herror there! I'm Brianna, but call me Bri, Bria, or Brianna, whatever works. I've been role playing since I was a mere youngin; of 10-years-old though I took a few long breaks here and there. I love to read, write, draw, and take care of my animals. I have an over sized Guinea Pig named Snow, two axolotls named Hiccup and Astrid, and one betta fish named Peppermint Supastar. I'm going to college to become a Web Designer and also enrich my life with taking a variety of different classes. I love anime, music, manga, all sorts of stuff. I love to chat and can be super random at times and even though I usually don't message people first, I would love to talk to you so shoot me a message, especially if you need a person to role play with, I would love to help you further develop your writing skills. :dog:

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