
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Kuzon, Sep 13, 2014.

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  1. Kuzon

    Kuzon Newcomer

    Hi there I am an avid role player and have a proboard site (major league right?) That I am recruiting for and this seems like a good community to spread the word and maybe get some advice.
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  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome @Kuzon! How do you find working with Proboard? What sort of features do you like that it has? I haven't really looked at configuring one before.
  3. Kuzon

    Kuzon Newcomer

    The best thing about proboards is the Plug-in feature in my opinion. I can install things like award systems, karma meter, sideboards with my own html, word counters, and all kinds of other widgets. It also has some good communities like Slightly Insane who give out professional quality skins for free. I get so many guests who just drop in to tell me my site looks bad ass (and I really only changed the logo). So in essence it is a nice platform for people of the non code-monkey variety to use if they want to make an RPG (I know enough to insert code, but havn't learned to write much yet). The other feature I like is the linked account system and the fact that I can see the code working in my posts as I go.

    Some negatives are the PG-13 rating, which makes it seemingly a favored choice of a younger audience. Many older players prefer JCINK, but it feels clunky to me. It also has annoying watch for the code captcha's when you are advertising on a guests board.
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  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    That all sounds pretty interesting actually. ^_^ I wasn't aware of proboards having so many features available as plugins. Have you ever found yourself wishing that it could do something more, or do the plugins pretty much cover all of your basic needs/requirements?
  5. Kuzon

    Kuzon Newcomer

    I think it is weird for most experienced coders because of the way it is setup, but for someone who dosn't have a lot of experience it can be amazing. I really wish that they had a non payed option to run mature content site, but I can live with it. It can be somewhat limiting (the free code only goes so far) for instance I would like my karma system to give the granter a comment on their profile, but because I can't really modify the plug in it's just something I live with. Basically if you want to make your own skins I would go Jcink, but if you want to spend less time on coding id give PB a try.
  6. Hi! Welcome to RPGfix!

    My site happens to be Jcink, but I've seen some GORGEOUS proboards codes. Even if I don't know much about coding (newbie coder here) I can say that some of the things i've seen on proboards lately are breathtaking. Jcink, Invisionfree, Proboards.. they all have pluses and minuses. In the end it's nice to just be comfortable where you are. Well, that and in a rp you enjoy!
  7. Kuzon

    Kuzon Newcomer

    Hi, I agree with you! Thank you for the welcome. I like your pages layout, your background looks really nice!
  8. Why thank you! It's the first skin i've ever made. It took me 5 months of frustration.

    I love your sig. It's so elegantly simplistic, tells the point of the site, and soothes the eyes.
  9. Kuzon

    Kuzon Newcomer

    Awe, thank you! I can tell you put some work into it the skin! I havn't tackled making a skin from scratch myself yet.
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