Hello there!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Halfling, May 1, 2015.

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  1. Halfling

    Halfling Fresh Blood

    I'm Halfling. I have been roleplaying for a shocking amount of time. I started online when forums were in their baby stages, then moved to table top and then back again. Um... I'm 25, I love the colour orange and I think that is all I want to share at the moment.
  2. Hey! I am Becka!

    I started out on forums as well when they were still in the baby stages. Do you remember those plot pages where they were full of different colours and you had like 50 different words to describe a friend or a lover?
  3. Shelter2015

    Shelter2015 Newcomer Game Owner

    Hiyas!! I'm a fellow newbie here! I think I'll like it and I hope you will too!
  4. Janet

    Janet Newcomer

    Hey Becka, I'm new too :D
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