Hello, Strangers

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by LadyLilas, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. LadyLilas

    LadyLilas Newcomer

    So, I'm mostly just guilty of trying to get my post count up...

    But what are your favorite kinds of roleplay? I really like Warriors (a bit of a guilty pleasure) and fantasy, but I'm just now trying to get back into it. :3
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hello, hello. :) I've never roleplayed a character in a [HASHTAG]#Warriors[/HASHTAG] setting, I'm am however currently reading the fifth Warriors book (Snowkit! ;_;) of the first series. I'm incredibly impressed with how well that they're written.
  3. LadyLilas

    LadyLilas Newcomer

    They're sweet books. They were basically my childhood. I'm glad to hear you like them! ^-^ Seems like you've been around here for quite some time, with that many points and whatnot.
  4. Welcome to RPGfix.

    I'm a fan of medieval fantasy and real life. I don't mind trying new things, however. Sometimes you find something new that is pretty groovy.
  5. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    @LadyLilas Yep, I've been around a little while. :) Somehow I missed the Warriors series while growing up. Although, if you really like them, I also highly recommend that you check out Ratha and the Named Series. The first book is called Ratha's Creature by Clare Bell. They're also about clans of cats, but in a prehistoric setting (so no humans). They end up discovering how to use fire, and it's all pretty awesome.
  6. LadyLilas

    LadyLilas Newcomer

    I'll definitely look into them next time I'm looking for a series. [:
  7. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    I'm a Warriors Person (I run CoSC, which has been around in the fandom for a long time). My RPG is AU with some world changes, but if you want to check it out you're more than welcome to.

    When it comes to the Warriors books, I've found that the further in you go the less like the original series the world is, and the lower the attention to detail in the writing. CoSC is based mainly on the first book, which is by far my fave. The world is going to drift on you and grow more human and less tribal the further into the series you go. Works for some people, but not for me.

    I also second @Inversia. Clair Bell is awesome. In some regions (like mine) she can be a little hard to find in the Library system, though. So you might end up having to do the Interlibrary thing. Which every reader should learn to do anyways, since it's the best thing ever when you have access to ALL the libraries and not just on the ones you can get to physically.
  8. LadyLilas

    LadyLilas Newcomer

    I completely agree that the first part of the series is better than the later parts. My site is only loosely based on the world Erin Hunter created. The clan structure, vocabulary, etc. are the same, but I use different clans in a different forest.


    Check it out if you want. I have never roleplayed on any platform besides Wikifoundry, but I'll definitely check your site out!
  9. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    CoSC is AU in the sense that we're original forest and clans, but we've primitived up a lot of the ways of being and refused to adopt a number of the latter books changes (there comes a point where the culture is tremendously changed in the series). We've based a lot of cultural decisions on human tribal cultures and things like that.

    Aside from storing our characters on a templates mediawiki system (which is super-easy for new users to use, since it's based in the user just filling out a form) it's basic forum RP (basic BBCode even works on our forum so users need not even learn wikicode unless they wish to).

    Your site looks interesting. Makes me wish I had more time than I do. You don't seem to have any place that I could put up an advertisement for an advert trade, though! I'd love to at least trade advertisements with you!
  10. LadyLilas

    LadyLilas Newcomer

    At the bottom of the homepage I have affiliates. Actually, I have one lonely affiliate, who I'm sure would love some company. :p I'd be happy to advertise your site in exchange for you advertising mine. Can't hurt anything, right?
  11. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    Us non-proboards/invasionfree RPers need to stick together. Support the choice of software for usability rather than commonality. Nothing makes me angrier than "Proboards and Invasionfree Ads only" when I offer a "you post your code and I'll convert it to Wikicode" service for advertisers to avoid people having issues with needing to know what codes do and don't work on our site.

    I notice your button is a really non-standard size, though (some sort of quirk of wikifoundry, I'm guessing). So I think we both need to make up some new buttons to not mess up the nice neat rows. This thread contains our button in the traditional 88x33, but I'd be perfectly happy to throw together a button in whatever size you need. Do you have the traditional 88x33 that would fit into my affiliates list?
  12. LadyLilas

    LadyLilas Newcomer

    I just made this. Let me know if it works better!


    I'll add yours right now. At Wikifoundry, we just use a picture, then just hyperlink that picture. That's usually what we do for affiliates. I guess it's a bit old fashion. To be honest, I've never used anything else to roleplay on. Proboards always seemed too structured for my taste.
  13. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    I don't use Proboards. I use Mediawiki with a Forum Extension (wikifoundry uses a different wiki engine, I think). I just link an image, also. Sooner or later I might implement footer affiliates that cross over into all pages, but I'm not ambitious enough to unravel the backend code that would need to happen to make that work.

    The image works, though I ultimately had to upload it to my site because the wikicode for images doesn't play nice with images that don't end in image file type indicators. I only wanted the standard affiliate banner size because I'm a touch on the obsessive compulsive side. I want them all to make a nice, neat row where they go. Not look random and cluttered, or have to be mishapen.

    Feel special. CoSC hasn't done a proper RPG site affiliate in a long time. But us non-proboards sites need to support one another and hopefully we can infect the online RPG Play-by-post community with an understanding that commonality isn't the best criteria on which to pick software.
  14. I'd have to say Ninja it's just fun being fast and using stealth techniques ^^
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