
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Privy Council, Dec 20, 2016.

  1. Privy Council

    Privy Council Fresh Blood

    Hi everyone, just popping in to say Hi.

    Another rpg site I went on today said this one is highly recommended ~ and so, here I am. I usually play over at Age of Intrigue, but stepped outside my comfort zone today, seeing what the rest of the rpg world looks like. I'm mostly a one rpg sorta gal, monogameous you might say.

    Anyhoo, trying to be sociable (for 10 posts at least!)

    *wanders off to look around*
    Mim likes this.
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Hey there and welcome to RPGFix :)
    Mim and Privy Council like this.
  3. MNHorus

    MNHorus Resident

    Welcome, and same here trying to be socialble..but many threads seem a bit old to post into
    Mim likes this.
  4. Sekah

    Sekah Newcomer Game Owner

    Hello Privy Council! Yeah, I know what you mean, Horus.
    Mim likes this.
  5. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    Hello, and welcome to the home of unicorns, dragons, and rogues. :)

    Please insert something witty to say here, it's too early for me and coffee has not kicked in yet...
    Mim likes this.
  6. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Hiya Privy and welcome. Don't let the old threads deter you. Hit any of them, even comment in a RPG conversation. See one you like, go ahead :)
  7. Almanac

    Almanac Newcomer Game Owner

    I know exactly what you mean! I'm just posting in the older threads anyway... Maybe it'll spark up some new conversation?
    Mim likes this.
  8. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    See you just did :D