From Old Home To New

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Nathan Hunter, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    Over the last 5 months I have been working on building a new Trek SIM from the ground up. I have been fortunate to have a solid yet small core team of players to get this project underdway. Most come from the same group that I left and were frustrated enough with the politics and bad blood that sometimes results from a lack of leadership. It has been very difficult to let go of all we worked for and start over fresh, being the 'new kids' and doing fairly well for our crew size has ruffled a few feathers now and then but our new home has been more than welcoming and a vast improvement over where we came from. Still my own negativity, likely bred from years in a far more hostile enviornment, is constantly waiting for 'Fleet' to come hunting for my head. Has anyone else been through something similar?
  2. Artemis

    Artemis Newcomer

    I've had people swoop in on my sites and try to do that to more relaxed players. They try to bully them out of playing. Thankfully, I run my forums to be places for everyone to have fun and try to prevent such interactions. Only once or twice has anyone been banned from my forum.