Evidently I have an account here. Huh.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Azureye, Mar 31, 2014.

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  1. Azureye

    Azureye Newcomer

    According to my profile, I joined way back in 2010 (member #19), never posted, and evidently this place grew a bunch while I was not posting, heh.

    About me: I've been roleplaying off and on since 2001 (a bunch of scattered Geocities wolf sites like The Valley, Blossom Forest, and Courage of the Wolves, brief stints at horse games like The 13th Dimension, The Fifth Element, and Eclypse, and more recently on wolf sites again, From the Ashes and Wanderlust).

    In recent years I've just been RPing with a few friends on very small boards—human fantasy stuff, mostly—because large games tend to be a bit overwhelming for me. But I'd like to get to know a few more people in the RP scene again, as I've been out of it for a while and it's a bit lonely, haha.

    Besides RPing I spend my time birdwatching, juggling, and writing code.

    *waves to all*
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome! There are quite a few people who haven't posted from the original site, and I try not to delete old accounts. Although I do match them against known spam accounts/IPs every once in a while to help weed out any potential "sleeper" spam accounts. Nice that you found your way back here!

    Blossom Forest actually sounds familiar to me. I was also running a wolf game way back then, and many of us had very similar naming conventions. :)

    What's the strangest thing that you've attempted to juggle to date?
  3. Azureye

    Azureye Newcomer

    Haha. Might you be thinking of this place ( Blossom Forest Wolf RPG )? Blossom Forest never actually closed, though it's under totally different management / with new people nowadays; last I checked all the old admin does is pay for hosting. I kind of like it that way, though; it gets to continue on with a whole 'nother generation(s)...
    And, I have yet to juggle anything especially strange! I'm still pretty new at it so I can only barely juggle three balls, but a bunch of people in my office have been learning so we practice a lot while waiting for code to compile, heh.
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    My goodness, that just might be it. I think it was Boards2Go that essentially ended up replacing InsideTheWeb niche too. I was probably still running Angel Valley and Rogue Forest way back then. Another wolf one that I remember that I used to hang out on was called Northern Exposure. Memories. <3

    Compiling, eh? What's your programming poison of choice? Java?
  5. Azureye

    Azureye Newcomer

    I seem to recall Northern Exposure. Small world back then!

    No Java, thank goodness :P On the job I write mostly Python, and I'm slowly starting to favor it over my generally-preferred Ruby. I still dig C for systems/backend work, and Erlang as my strange-bastard-child-of-a-language to pull out for problems that require a functional (as in the programming paradigm ) approach.
  6. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Phew... I know far too many people who are stuck in Java hell. It's a really popular language with the oil and gas industry here. Python is beautiful, and I haven't had a reason to touch C in a really, really long time.

    Erlang though? Are you also one of those people that types using Dvorak? :D I only know a handful of people who have Erlang in their repertoire. Usually they're on the sys admin and/or info sec side of the business.
  7. Azureye

    Azureye Newcomer

    Yeah, Java's pretty much the go-to for most giant-company-heavy-industry-type applications—and the rationale for that being the case isn't awful, but it still is just really unpleasant and kludgy to write code in imho. Luckily my work's more in tech-startup stuff, so we get to use some of the newer, flashier stuff : D

    And haha re: the Dvorak thing :P I actually find Dvorak to be kind of silly but I see what you're saying. Basically the story there is: in general I think all programmers should know, at minimum, a high-level/scripting language, a low-level/systems-y language, and a lispy/functional/weird language to some degree of competency. I already had the first two covered with Python/Ruby and C, and I already learned OCaml in school which would technically cover that last one... but I am just not very fond of OCaml! So I tried out a couple other popular functional languages ("popular" being relative since functional languages tend to all be obscure as hell :P ) and decided I liked Erlang best, and have been rolling with it ever since. (A small bonus is that Erlang's syntax is pretty obviously inspired by Prolog, which is another language I quite like, even though I only used it in one artificial intelligence class in college and... well, that's about the only context in which Prolog is actually useful :P )
    Shriker likes this.
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