Etro Here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Etro, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Etro

    Etro Newcomer

    Hello everyone and nice to meet you.

    You may call me Etro! I am currently making RP in memory from a Role-play I once made upon the site known as “Roleplayers Gateway”. If anyone happens to be from that site and I may know you that would be awesome ^^. I was known by a few usernames (“Zetsuna” and “Sonicx00”). The RPs I attempted ended in failure due to inactivity of the small group participating but that was luck of many Gms. Eventually I decided to give up on the story-line until one day I figured It would be better, to host this RP on it's own forum and let multiple users shape the world in their own way.

    I have a bit of RP history and want to keep pushing it forward.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hey @Etro! Do you have any old members who have stuck with you from the old game? Or are you more so just re-imagining the concept of the old game and hoping new folks will join? I always find these sorts of reboots interesting. :) I'd had people start up several guild-like sites for old games that I used to run. the nostalgia factor is always so strong.
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