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Hiring Staff - Volunteer Elyasia is looking for Staff members

Discussion in 'Wanted Classifieds' started by Salya, Mar 3, 2025.

  1. Salya

    Salya Newcomer Game Owner

    Hello there I'm looking a few people to help me out with my Panfandom RP. It's a bit weird but it's set in an fantasy/Mythical realm called Elyasia. It's a realm that is set in a medieval with some Modern things. There is no tech at this time but there is magic based on Final Fantasy. Oh yea.. I don't know how to fit this in but it's also a slice of life style of RP.

    Here's the list of what fandoms are used: Chrono Crusade, Devil May Cry, Fire Emblem, Fushigi Yuugi, Inu-Yasha, LUNAR 1 and 2, Yu Yu Hakusho

    But the staff don't really need to know about the fandoms, just a bit about the characters used from those fandoms.

    So what am I looking for? Well I'm looking for a few people.
    • Co-Admin[0/1] - someone to help with everything. Rp, Events, forum styles and etc
    • Graphic mods[0/5] - members who can use Gimp, Photoshop or etc and help out with graphics.
    • Coder mods[0/2] - members who can use help with phpbb forum styles, can work with BBcodes to post templates.
    • Role-Play Mods [0/4] - members who help with the RP part of the boards. They will help with RP events, Challenges and etc.

    To apply? Just PM me on here since I will check back here daily. Or you can hit me up on discord SalyaDarken

    Note: Forgot to add this. Elyasia is a 18+ forums since adult themes are welcome in the stories and RPs. If you have any questions, let me know below.