Dimensional Fracture (Discussion)

Discussion in 'Game News & Discussions' started by PsySneks, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. PsySneks

    PsySneks Newcomer Game Owner

  2. PsySneks

    PsySneks Newcomer Game Owner

    Just a quick run down of the roleplay.

    Dimensional fracture is a science fiction role play that is kinda continued off an old roleplay I was apart of, but with twists.

    You can choose to be a Dimensional Jumper (both accidentally or purposely, the story of how you do so is up to you aka. sucked into black hole, random experiment mistake, or just researching anomalies). A Jumper has the possibility to gain heightened abilities, or physical changes known as mutations during jumps (I leave this to you guys to decide what happens, so don't go over board).

    Or you can be a resident of the planet that the jumpers crash/ appear on. Planets change during the season but this dosn't mean the old one disappears, they will be kept up for coming back to or continuing your stories.

    Hope to see some of you there.