Automatically subscribe newly registered users to select forum nodes of your choosing. Users will then receive an alert whenever a new thread is created. Useful for news & announcement forums.
- Users automatically watch select forum nodes upon registration
- Users receive alerts whenever new threads are posted in the select forums
- Caveat: Only new users who register after this add-on has been installed and configured will be automatically subscribed
- Upload files/directories underneath "upload" to your XenForo's root.
- Import the add-on XML using the add-on importer in your Admin CP.
- Configure the add-on: "Home > Options > User Registration"
- Select the forum nodes that you wish people to automatically watch
Copyright / License
This project is released underneath the DBAD PUBLIC LICENSE by Phil Sturgeon.

XenForo Watch Forum on Registration 1.0.0
Alert users when new threads are made in select forum nodes.