Hey there! I'm daedric prince, also known as Dae. I'm the owner of a roleplay site called Red Light District Roleplaying. I actually found this site while googling directories for roleplays to put my site on. However, I'm also eager to join you here and expand the community. I've been roleplaying for about 16 years now and I love it. You'll learn I'm a really friendly person that likes to make new friends. I know a little bit about coding, specifically with jcink sites. If you ever have anything you want to learn about me, please feel free to ask!
Alo, Dae - nice to see another veteran role-player here. :D I see that you also run a supernatural website, so 2 thumbs up!
waves There's a great bunch of old-time gamers on here, by the looks of things! Welcome, welcome. I found the site in much the same way.