What social networking sites do you use the most?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Shriker, Sep 25, 2013.


What social networking sites do you use the most?

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter

  3. Google+

  4. Tumblr

  5. LinkedIn

  6. Other

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  1. denethorii

    denethorii Newcomer

    Instagram, because I like taking idealistic pictures. Facebook because... all the invites for events are on there! And so easy to share my pics.
  2. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    For me, the writing and gaming networking I do is on Twitter and my Twitter feed comes through to the main website as a widget www.walkingtheblade.com it looks cool that way. But I also use FB - my main page is only for family and friends. But I have a business one for my lipsense sales and then one for my writing series - because sometimes you can connect to more people if you have more social media presence. Tumblr is a fave from the past that I still keep for opinion blogging and finding great art to share on my other SM Platforms.
  3. tina

    tina Guest

    Facebook and instagram
  4. Susan Scuro

    Susan Scuro Newcomer

    The only social media websites I use are Facebook and Pinterest.
  5. I use a lot of twitter to advertise my roleplays but it's quite hard to get members. Facebook is what I use to keep in contact with friends.
  6. Kersare

    Kersare Newcomer Game Owner

    Unfortunately, facebook, but I also use G+, twitter, and instagram.
  7. Meow

    Meow Newcomer Game Owner

    Being the introvert that I am...>.> I don't really use social networking sites. Unless you somehow count YouTube. xD
    RachD likes this.
  8. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    YouTube is my fave. Not that it's very social for me...I don't do the commentary portion. But I love listening to good music and watching funny gaming videos and how-tos. What do you watch on there?
  9. Meow

    Meow Newcomer Game Owner

    Mostly gaming videos that have either gameplay related content or tips and tricks stuff and also watch quite a bit of theory videos because I love myself a good science vid. May never be able to do it myself, but it doesn't mean I can't enjoy expanding my horizons with knowledge! =D
    RachD likes this.
  10. Camy

    Camy Newcomer Game Owner

    I use Tumblr since I can't stand Facebook's layout :/ Twitter has been pushed in that category too ever since the update of showing things out of order and it feels so squished lately. Or I just follow too many people lol I love Tumblr since I can use New Xkit to filter all the things I don't want to see and make it better. The other two just feel clunky to me.
    RachD likes this.
  11. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    I get that. I just try to cover all of my avenues. And Twitter has actually grown on me in the last year. But I DO definitely hate the "out of order" situation.
  12. BlackDahliaRP

    BlackDahliaRP Newcomer Game Owner

    I basically only function on Facebook myself. It helps me keep track of my entire life.
  13. MBremer

    MBremer Newcomer

    Personally, I use Twitter much more than FB, but for simming (adverts and giving updates on SB400) I use FB more than Twitter
  14. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    So how does one use the other sites for advertising? Do you set up a totally new Twitter and Facebook account based on your RPG? Do you seek out groups of roleplayers there? Just curious... I only have my personal and business FB and Twitter. Never thought of anything further.
  15. Tartle

    Tartle Resident Game Owner

    My rpg has the following accounts all created specifically for our rpg: facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram, and reddit.

    We are active on Instagram and Tumblr and I am slowing trying to branch out to reddit. This is mainly because they have a significant community of role players browsing for RPG related things. We are still building our content but it is getting there! We are /sort of/ active on twitter too but only because my instagram account is linked to both tumblr and twitter.
    RachD likes this.
  16. CamuCamu

    CamuCamu Fresh Blood

    i use Reddit and Discord tbh
  17. Sets

    Sets Newcomer

    Mostly facebook, but I don't really it. I use tumblr a little but I don't really get how it works. I'm not very into social media truthfully, though I wish I was because it seems like a good way to advertise RPs. I just don't have the time or the inclination to learn to effectively all the different platforms.

    I use reddit a lot personally, but haven't used it too much for my site yet.
  18. valucre

    valucre Resident Game Owner

    I have an account for the site on various social media platforms but the one I focus on the most is Twitter. FB has the most robust premium services, if you're able to pay for ads then I would recommend FB, but that pay wall is very strong
  19. kipling

    kipling Newcomer Game Owner

    i mostly stick to tumblr. i was on twitter for a bit too, but never got super invested in it. i've never had a facebook and don't plan on signing up for one, mostly because i'm not really into sharing pictures of myself/what i'm up to
  20. AsylumJax

    AsylumJax Newcomer

    I tend not to anymore, ive found the most of them are a great distraction from both doing stuff, and real information :)
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