Your favourite roleplay genres?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by SteerYourFate, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Checkerdog

    Checkerdog Newcomer

    Oh my goodness. I thought I was the only one! Not sure why I'm not into medieval, especially medieval fantasy. I love hearing about them second hand. But I can just never write in the setting!
  2. Checkerdog

    Checkerdog Newcomer

    I enjoy fantasy, but more modern day or homebrewed settings. Dark fantasy is especially a favorite! And I have yet to find a horror group I've been interested in but I'd love to try one out someday.
  3. Shinka

    Shinka Newcomer Game Owner

    I haven't seen a lot of dark fantasy roleplays, but it's definitely a genre I'd love to see more of! Where are my eldritch horrors and giant spider monsters at?
    Archaeon likes this.
  4. Elllie

    Elllie Newcomer

    Dark Fantasies, Mass Effect, some sci fis. Very rarely post-apocalyptic.
  5. White Diamond

    White Diamond Newcomer Game Owner

    I just love, anime, fantasy and sci-fi based role-plays
  6. Estorica

    Estorica Newcomer Game Owner

    Fiction/Fantasy, Sifi, and Apocalyptic. There are a few others but I would say this is the main.
  7. Kiva KJ

    Kiva KJ Newcomer

    I mostly stick to Harry Potter since that's what I have been rping for the last 12ish years, but I have dabbled in supernatural (not the show), marvel, and slice of life.
  8. JakNaylor

    JakNaylor Fresh Blood

    Generally prefer space/sci-fi sims; I'm currently running a Star Trek RPG, and I've dabbled with Star Wars and Mass Effect. I once designed and briefly played an Elder Scrolls tabletop RPG based off D&D.
  9. eleholly

    eleholly Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm a modern fantasy junkie. Give me anything supernatural-related, and I'm all over it like white on rice. I also have been branching out into high/epic fantasy, which I've found to be much more enjoyable than I expected.
  10. Orion

    Orion Newcomer Game Owner

    Modern fantasy! Possibly human and animal roleplay also.
  11. valucre

    valucre Resident Game Owner

    I did a 30 person survey on my own site and asked them what genre of RP they liked the most. The top 5 were adventure, fantasy, action, with a tie for crime and political intrigue

    There are a lot of more nuanced genres that we didn't account for, but I'd say that those five pretty much describe my broad interests too, and if I had to pick just two I'd say . . . fantasy and . . . political intrigue! As long as the politics don't always have to be grand and sweeping. Sometimes the smaller story is the more intriguing one
  12. Zapy97

    Zapy97 Resident Game Owner

    I usually do sci-fi but I really want to get into fantasy with steampunk or some kinda Magitech nation/faction.
  13. BobbyB

    BobbyB Resident Game Owner

    Fantasy though I often put in a modern twist, such as people being transported from modern day earth to this fantasy land. Or vice versa. Trying to expand to sci fi and supernatural.
  14. Apocalypse, Sci-Fantasy and Modern/Urban/Supernatural fantasy are easily my favorites. Sometimes I get an itch for medieval and high fantasy but I've sort of burned myself out on that over the years.

    Also dragon rider stuff is usually pretty fun.
  15. YethorianDravinas

    YethorianDravinas Newcomer Game Owner

    Most of what I roleplay is medieval, fantasy, with slight romance and military style in some of them. I also do guild style rps too
  16. meows

    meows Newcomer Game Owner

    i love high fantasy but d&d but i also enjoy supernatural the most, and harry potter but that is it really
  17. RP Collective

    RP Collective Resident Game Owner

    I can honestly be lured into ANY genre, as long as the premise is intriguing and I have faith in the GM (and like their writing style). I have to say that the presentation of the initial OOC thread plays a big part in how excited I get by an RP. If it's poorly put together or demonstrates a lack of effort, to be it raises some questions about the commitment of the GM.
  18. JMT

    JMT Newcomer

    Nowadays it's Harry Potter (Marauder's Era) almost exclusively. But I've delved into a bit of everything in the past. I just don't have much time to devote to multiple sites and learning the lore of worlds I'm not intimately acquainted with anymore - yay ~adulthood~
  19. Tenebris

    Tenebris Newcomer Game Owner

    Fantasy (Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones), sci-fi (Firefly, Star Wars) and supernatural (vampires!) appeals the most, lately. Preferably sites that see at least 10 posts a day (I enjoy active communities), so that I know I'm not wasting my time and effort in trying to contribute to site growth.
  20. SRWIgnition

    SRWIgnition Newcomer Game Owner

    Mecha, for sure! Who doesn't dig giant robots? (A cookie if you get the reference!)