How did you hear/find out about RPGfix?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Shriker, Aug 23, 2013.


How did you find out about RPGfix?

  1. Search engine

  2. A friend

  3. Another website had a link

  4. Other

  1. Raveflames

    Raveflames Newcomer Game Owner

    Another site had a link to it. I just clicked and went from there!~
  2. Kersare

    Kersare Newcomer Game Owner

    I did a google search looking for places to advertise.
  3. MBremer

    MBremer Newcomer

    A friend pointed me to it
  4. Jax

    Jax Newcomer Game Owner

    Through a bunch of sites
  5. CamuCamu

    CamuCamu Fresh Blood

    I found this off of a helpful site to be honest
  6. Sets

    Sets Newcomer

    I was searching for ways to advertise on google.
  7. Checkerdog

    Checkerdog Newcomer

    I've been looking around for a new RP to maybe join. Found this link through RPG directory!
  8. Shinka

    Shinka Newcomer Game Owner

    Also found through RPG-D! (:
  9. Elllie

    Elllie Newcomer

    A friend's site with your link
  10. Catskillz

    Catskillz Newcomer

  11. valucre

    valucre Resident Game Owner

    I found this site through twitter interaction when promoting my own
  12. Zahhy

    Zahhy Newcomer Game Owner

    I actually found you after a mention from admin at RPG Initiative!
  13. kipling

    kipling Newcomer Game Owner

    it was linked on the homepage of one of my forum's affiliates
  14. Cruz922

    Cruz922 Fresh Blood

    I just followed a random link from search engine result, yea it turns out to be a decent directory :D.
    Zahhy likes this.
  15. I kept coming across the link on various sites as well as through google and twitter so I finally decided to check it out.
  16. AsylumJax

    AsylumJax Newcomer

    A friend told me... and i was feeling lucky.
  17. RP Collective

    RP Collective Resident Game Owner

    Stumbled across it while doing a spot of forum marketing.
  18. Search engine! Aren't those helpful.
  19. JMT

    JMT Newcomer

    Honestly, until the past week or so I had no idea directories like this were a thing. I have no idea why It didn't occur to me XD
  20. Tenebris

    Tenebris Newcomer Game Owner

    I followed a link from a button posted on a role-playing site and here I am - voila! :heart:
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