Anyone love to watch tvd tv series

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by tina, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. tina

    tina Guest

    Hey everyone I just wanna know how many of you love vampire diaries ?
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    I'm still a season or 2 behind, but I do love this show.
  3. Susan Scuro

    Susan Scuro Newcomer

    Im a bit behind on Vampire Diaries and the Orginals but I like them both.
  4. Meow

    Meow Newcomer Game Owner

    I can easily say that I am way behind in Vampire Diaries and have mostly been watching The Originals. The Originals I do enjoy for sure while VD is left to be decided since I haven't honestly sat down to watch it properly.
  5. BlackDahliaRP

    BlackDahliaRP Newcomer Game Owner

    I.. love.. Vampire Diaries, except.. that the end, with Bonnie and Enzo. >.> No more spoilers than that if you haven't seen the entire series.
  6. BobbyB

    BobbyB Resident Game Owner

    I liked the show right until the girls went to college. It just stopped making any sense at all, and became a cheap money maker in my opinion.
  7. tina29

    tina29 Fresh Blood

    I love tvd more then originals even I didn't watch all seasons but from first season I loved that show