Your favourite roleplay genres?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by SteerYourFate, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Ladyvictorian

    Ladyvictorian Newcomer Game Owner

    I like gothic/horror/occult. There are some fandoms I enjoy as well but not nearly as much as I love those genre's. I'm more of an original person since I create OC's. I can play some canon characters who are super important to me but that list is maybe 3 characters long.
  2. Naen

    Naen Newcomer Game Owner

    High fantasy, low fantasy. Medieval stuff. Typically ends up being magic or enchantment of some kind.
  3. Sadrienne

    Sadrienne Resident Game Owner

    I just can't seem to get out of the Potterverse. The world is so much bigger than the books, and exploring that is always exciting to me.
  4. Solaris

    Solaris Newcomer Game Owner

    Definitely Sci-Fi. I mainly do Star Wars but now going into the Expanse. :)
  5. Doutaini

    Doutaini Fresh Blood

    Wolf/animal till I die ;)
  6. ulla

    ulla Newcomer

    i started in wolf and though i can't really manage it anymore since it's been so long, it still holds a fond place in my heart

    otherwise i've been really enjoying sandbox style, member driven sites that are adaptable to where the memberbase is kind of going instead of trying to enforce a plot on top of what may or may not be going on. so i guess not a specific genre as a mentality of running?

    historically though i've enjoyed fantasy a lot too (even if i'm currently knee deep in fandom rps)
  7. denethorii

    denethorii Newcomer

    Fantasy! My favorite is certainly Tolkien fandom but I've done Harry Potter. I love Medievalesque too :)
  8. Rinachu

    Rinachu Fresh Blood

    I used to do pokemon once upon a time, but I've stuck to wolf for the last 5 years
  9. tina

    tina Guest

    I roleplay mostly on tvd forums
  10. Jax

    Jax Newcomer Game Owner

    I personally love playing fantasy of all kinds, and light sci fi. Dystopian sci fi is generally my favorite.
  11. Sci-Fi and Wrestling roleplays for the win folks!
  12. Kersare

    Kersare Newcomer Game Owner

    Most of the time I do Star Trek simms, but I have also done X-men inspired and fantasy. I wouldn't mind some other types, but haven't found any I particularly liked.
  13. Lolotte

    Lolotte Newcomer Game Owner

    I love dystopian settings. Especially dystopian settings where everything looks perfect at first...but on a closer look, no, no it's not.

    I've been getting more into sci-fi games lately.
  14. Camy

    Camy Newcomer Game Owner

    Fantasy, animals/creatures, and paranormal. I even did my first apocalypse and had a blast, but those three are my top faves.
  15. BlackDahliaRP

    BlackDahliaRP Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm mostly a fan of supernatural, fantasy, post-apocalyptic, and dystopian settings. :)
  16. tearian

    tearian Newcomer Game Owner

    Mostly animals, fantasy, medieval or anything unique. I'm not too picky when it comes to roleplay, but I am picky about how the community runs itself. :D
  17. MBremer

    MBremer Newcomer

    Mostly Star Trek, but I also played a little in a BSG and a Star Wars group for a bit. Honestly, never tried anything else...
  18. Jax

    Jax Newcomer Game Owner

    I am a sucker for politics. Fighting and shipping are great, but I love any sort of game that has a rich world to play in. Fantasy, real life, dystopian sci-fi... it does not matter as long there is a rich back story to pull from.
  19. CamuCamu

    CamuCamu Fresh Blood

    my Personal favorite genres to rp are all of em
  20. Shinka

    Shinka Newcomer Game Owner

    I usually prefer high fantasy games. I'm used to being able to pop a monster or some bandits into a thread for PvE drama goodness, so I struggle a little with more modern settings. But I've somehow gotten roped into a modern supernatural roleplay recently.