When looking for a forum RPG, is the host important for your choice?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Featherstone, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Sadrienne

    Sadrienne Resident Game Owner

    It's never been a factor for me. Not as a member. There are some softwares that I find clunky and less comfortable to use, but if the concept of the board and the community is good enough, it won't stop me. Staff might just have to deal with 101 dumb questions from me first!
  2. Solaris

    Solaris Newcomer Game Owner

    The host isn't as much as accessibility and consistency.

    And that the website looks good.
  3. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    This is kind of what I've seen. I know a lot of people prefer it, and that's fine, but to only use this and not give any others a chance? To only allow advertisers from one type of host? I don't know.
    The Mother likes this.
  4. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    We've just tried to keep the group (recent move happened) always nice to look at and well-organized. I guess as an RPer/writer, the writing is most important to me - are the members consistent, do their posts make me want to respond? Then, is it organized? Will there be something for me to do once I get in? Can I see any drama going on that is not IC? I hate filling out everything up front to just wind up quitting soon after.

    The host itself? I don't have a preference. Maybe I'm behind the times on that? I tried php a while back and just gave it up for something easier and more user friendly for my members and we've had a very good run. We just moved to groups.io... seeing how that goes. I've not advertised in forums like this for years, because we just really had no need - even in Yahoo...lol.

    ~ Rach
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2017
  5. denethorii

    denethorii Newcomer

    Nope the host doesn't bother me as long as it's simple enough for me to figure out! I am a fan of proboards with all the accounts on different sites linked... it's just so easy to see messages and all that, HOWEVER I'd still join anything as long as the graphics weren't too crazy and I could figure out how to get around on it!
  6. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Most people who say they hate proboards HAVE given it a chance.

    I used to use proboards because I didn't know anything else. The moment I found another host, I stopped even giving proboards sites a second glance.
  7. tina

    tina Guest

    Since I've heard proboards will turn off site I moved on jcink even no one actually wanna join on my site I am happy cause there is plenty of people that use jcink and have their forum on it I am actually active on one forum .
  8. The host is always my main question certain boards can give me the ability to do other stuff.
  9. Lolotte

    Lolotte Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm not a huge fan of Proboards but if the site had a good concept I'd give it a chance.

    I generally prefer jcink or self-hosted sites, though. I like having the option to write 3-3-3 content if I want to, you know what I mean?
  10. Elllie

    Elllie Newcomer

    The only host that I dislike in Proboards and that's simply because of its PG-13 policy. I little adding a little bit of spice in my role play and proboards just does not allow that.
  11. BunnyGirl18

    BunnyGirl18 Newcomer Game Owner

    It doesn't matter much to be about the host---but i don't like extremely long applications--that would turn me off from a site
  12. valucre

    valucre Resident Game Owner

    The community. In the hierarchy of needs, that's my bedrock. If the community isn't friendly and welcoming, things like load speed and aesthetic and lore won't matter to me
  13. Host does play a factor in the sense that I have those that I prefer. Jcink, for example, was more or less built as a role play based board system so I find it well integrated for that sort of thing. Mostly, though, whether or not I'll settle for a particular host depends on what I'm looking for genre and activity wise. Proboards, as an example, is very content restricted - no mature depictions, nothing that seems to encourage drug use (which they're arbitrary about enforcing). So if I were looking for something like a Fallout or a criminal syndicate/gang based role play then I'd never even consider a site on PB because it'll be watered down by default. However, PB is often my go to for wolf/animal based role plays because I don't want mature content when I'm mucking about with that genre and PB is a promise I wont have to mess with fending people off in that respect.
    RachD likes this.
  14. meows

    meows Newcomer Game Owner

    i prefer jcink because it is a format that i know best and because i can use html. when i first tried forum rp i started with proboards but i just didn't enjoy it as much as jcink, i don't like using the bb codes or whatever it's called, and the constant "please turn off your ad blocker!" popups lol. i also just tend to look for a fandom or a genre that i know i'll enjoy like supernatural or fantasy
  15. RP Collective

    RP Collective Resident Game Owner

    Exactly and precisely this.
    valucre likes this.
  16. YethorianDravinas

    YethorianDravinas Newcomer Game Owner

    I use Forumotion currently only because I've had trouble with Proboards and their newer set up since I hadn't been on the site in years probably. I also tried Jcink and the adminCP is just difficult for me to navigate and find what I truly need especially if I am wanting to modify user groups or actually look at the layout of the forum before actually saying "Yeah this is good." I just like forumotion only cause the way it flows for me and I guess I could if need be ask for help but I've managed forums there for about 2 years maybe, but I am starting them back up fresh and clean. But overall I think I still prefer my forumotion forums.
  17. JMT

    JMT Newcomer

    I used to be a strictly proboards girl yeeeeears and years ago and then it was invisionfree and now jcink. I have tried other mediums but the learning curve is too much for me (I'm just lazy, I suppose) and I grow bored and frustrated quickly. I guess it's very much a 'the devil you know versus the devil you don't' type situation. As an admin, I also know how to adjust and format a jcink site to my liking. Guess it's all about your computer literacy and what you feel comfortable with.
  18. Eerie

    Eerie Newcomer Game Owner

    I have played on a lot of different hosts but it used to be a deciding factor for sure, originally I was only familiar with proboards and so I would only join other proboards sites, but once they changed up I didn't like the new layouts so I sought out a different host and then I found invision free and eventually settle on Jcink and now I absolutely prefer Jcink for it's customization and I'm familiar with it, and I prefer it as a member as well because it takes away that awkwardness of already being a new person on a site full of strangers, don't want to be that person fucking up the coding.
  19. pluto

    pluto Newcomer

    The only thing I care about is that I don't have to fight to navigate the site. But I have an easier time with proboards.
  20. Gota

    Gota Newcomer Game Owner

    Host elitism is stupid and should die out, to be honest, especially jcink elitism. So no, I don't really care much about that.
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