How long have you been roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Amorous, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Hebe

    Hebe Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm not sure "Grandpa" is the right analogy. As you get older, time flies faster. I still think 1990 was 10 years ago.
    Mister Karma likes this.
  2. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    Same. I also still think Simpsons is in its golden age, though that is now to be debated since the movie's hype ended ten years ago.
  3. LarxyAeria

    LarxyAeria Newcomer Game Owner

    Was discussing this the other day. It's over 13 years now. Quite a while. I was so young and my god. My original posts.... horrible.
    SithLordOfSnark likes this.
  4. Tartle

    Tartle Resident Game Owner

    If I do the math it was several years over ten ago. I honestly can't name the exact when. But it was definitely in middle school.
  5. Sammiie
    Cracking up

    Sammiie Newcomer Game Owner

    aboutttt 13 years now :D

    It all started on Neopets & Neopets Guilds. I had my little crew of RP buddies on there. Then I took it to MSN Groups bc I had no idea forums existed. I wasn't even really sure what a forum was back then, only that people roleplayed on them lol. When MSN Groups died out, I had my span of rebellious/effed-up teenage years where I took a long hiatus. That spanned from age 14 - 18.

    In 2010, I discovered SoulsRPG and haven't left there since. I have recently started branching out to other RPs, too, just to get a taste and feel of other things and how sites run. I plan to create my own roleplay someday :3

    Edit: Somewhere in between Neopets & my long hiatus, there was, of course, GaiaOnline. But I never truly got the hang of how that worked xD I tried, though.
    SithLordOfSnark likes this.
  6. Ladyvictorian

    Ladyvictorian Newcomer Game Owner

    17 years, been rping since I was 10 years old and started out on neopets. At around 13 years old I rped on Myspace groups. Man those were the days. xD At 14 my friends and I opened a rp site through proboards. Around 15 I moved to Invisionfree and stayed there for the better half of my life until about four or five years ago moving to JCINK and I don't think I would give it up for the world. I also have a character who was my first ever rp character I still play though she has evolved GREATLY. She isn't even the same species she started as.
  7. ulla

    ulla Newcomer

    i began rp when i was nine years old, i believe (which is well over a decade ago at this point). but it was kind of an off-and-on affair for me since i struggled a lot w/creative writing + my muse for it, as i think would be understandable for the snot-nosed kid i was when i began.

    as far as uninterrupted rp + finding a niche for myself though, i've been happy w/where i am in rp since roughly the beginning of 2014
  8. denethorii

    denethorii Newcomer

    I don't know exaaaaactly. I started on Neopets prooobably 17 or 18 years ago! :o But my first forum RP was on suddenlauch right after I was introduced to Tolkien Fandom, which was 15 years ago! My posts were terrible but it's fun to look back on some of the old dead boards I used to be on and see my old writing and how it has improved!
  9. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    I began online RP in 1999 - soooo.... 18 years. Wow.... table top has been even longer...
  10. tina

    tina Guest

    Well I don't know but at least more then 3 years
  11. hypnosis
    Apple Fan

    hypnosis Newcomer Game Owner

    I have been roleplaying since around 2009, so almost 10 years, wow hard to believe! Started roleplaying on a site called Max-Dan-Wiz and then staffed on RpNation for sometime and then started running my own general board. It was really weird like once I began to staff, doesn't seem like I can go back to being a normal member.
  12. Raveflames

    Raveflames Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been role-playing for at least 12 years.
  13. Lolotte

    Lolotte Newcomer Game Owner

    Eighteen years. Which is really weird for me. My first RPG was a Cats Musical RP played over an e-mail list.

    That makes me really old in internet years.
    Shriker likes this.
  14. I began roleplaying around 2006 so 12 years already and still counting.
  15. Kersare

    Kersare Newcomer Game Owner

    Just over 14 years now....
  16. Meow

    Meow Newcomer Game Owner

    Lets see...about 14-15 years of official roleplay, before that just wrote for my own amusement. So...RP is better for the additional inspiration acquired from a back and forth rather than me knowing everything that's going to happen. ...I like mystery.
  17. tearian

    tearian Newcomer Game Owner

    Guh... Roughly 18 years? I forget. I remember I mostly roleplayed with my goofy friends and sister with this tattered notebook before internet was a huge thing.
  18. MBremer

    MBremer Newcomer

    Since 1996... looong time...
  19. Sets

    Sets Newcomer

    Around 15 years! I'm old, haha.
  20. Crystalfrost

    Crystalfrost Newcomer Game Owner

    A little over ten years now! Started when I was thirteen and plan to keep at it for a long, long time ^^
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