Dogs or Cats?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Stormhelm Kingdom, Jul 22, 2016.


Are you more of a dog or cat person?

  1. Dog

  2. Cat


    STFMAC Newcomer

    Cats have very interesting personalities, but dogs are always in a good mood. Just mention "Walk", "Ride", or "Treat", and they'll be your best friend.
  2. grimfox

    grimfox Resident Game Owner

    I grew up with Doberman and Siamese cats, I've almost never had one without the other, I love both!
  3. Hiccup

    Hiccup Newcomer Game Owner

    I've had cats all my life, and while I love both, I'll always be a cat person. I have three right now, along with a dog, so I guess I really am tied for both. I love how...CAT...Cats are...There's no real way to describe what you're getting when you get a cat...They do things sometimes just...Cats.
  4. Sage

    Sage Newcomer

    I love dogs, but I love the low maintenance of cats! Like, I can love you and walk away. With a dog, I must love you all the time.
  5. John Hurt
    Caffeine Fix

    John Hurt Newcomer

  6. Tabs

    Tabs Newcomer

    Cats :D I have two!
  7. musewithme

    musewithme Newcomer Game Owner

    Cats. I used to like dogs, too, and I still do ... but it seems over the years my liking has lessened.
  8. Right now I prefer cats because they are a LOT easier to own. But I do really love dogs too and if my situation was right I'd probably always adopt a dog over a cat (if I couldn't take both)... it's just with the way my life is right now I could never care for one properly [aka walks every day, training, more vet check ups, grooming, etc]... So in the hopeful future, I guess I'm both!
  9. ScottRyder

    ScottRyder Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm planning to get a dog next year once house renovations are sorted. Love those fluffy goofballs.

    I like cats too. I've had one, she lived to be 18! They have their own thing entirely. Lovable jerks haha.
  10. SirArchangel

    SirArchangel Newcomer Game Owner

    Both! I currently have cats because I couldn't get a dog when I was younger.
  11. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    I love most animals- but definitely purrfer cats.
  12. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    I grew up with dogs, and while having a dog come bounding to you when you walk through the door is fun and all, and feeling wanted by an animal is like the BEST feeling ever, I much prefer cats. Low maintenance, they take care of themselves, and all you have to do is change their toilet twice a month and feed them every other day. Probably play with them when they feel like it.

    The cat I have right now is sooo cool. She actually thinks she's a fox--cuz the girlfriend and I act like foxes anyway--and she actually watches TV with us. She'll even cuddle up to us, and I was telling...Kalamari?...about how she says hi when you call for her. Her name's Ren and she breaks all the stereotypes that cats are walking piles of hate and selfishness. She is the best kitten.
    Archivist likes this.
  13. Verridith

    Verridith QUEEN of GOLD !! Game Owner

    BOTH! But mostly cats ;D I love kitties so, so incredibly much, and my little Lia is my entire world. People have called me a cat whisperer and reincarnated cat myself, LOL!
  14. LarxyAeria

    LarxyAeria Newcomer Game Owner

    Cat. I used to lean dogs.... now I own 6 cats
  15. Tartle

    Tartle Resident Game Owner

    I myself love cats more but I do love dogs. But if I were given the choice to get a cat or dog I would get a cat.
  16. Sammiie
    Cracking up

    Sammiie Newcomer Game Owner

    Even though I have a cat right now and I love her very much, I will always be a dog person first :)
  17. ohsith

    ohsith Pickle Game Owner

    I love dogs and cats, but given a choice, I'd take a dog every time. I've never personally owned or cared for a cat beyond taking care of one for a friend or neighbour when they've gone on holiday or something, I've I have interacted with many kittens and cats over the years (Even tigers). And the Tigers aside, I've found dogs to be more affectionate and expressive than cats overall. My 3-year old border collie brightens my days just by sitting next to me on the couch, and his time spent with my 88-year-old grandmother brightens her spirits and improves her ailing health for a while. I'm not saying cats can't/don't do the same, but from personal experience, cats can be jerks. :-P
  18. ohsith

    ohsith Pickle Game Owner


    That's my boy, Sully.
  19. Ladyvictorian

    Ladyvictorian Newcomer Game Owner

    Between these two choices I would be picking cat but honestly overall rats are superior to both. I can't live without my ratties. I could be happy living without a cat or a dog.
  20. Naen

    Naen Newcomer Game Owner

    Dogs can come inside the house. Cats can come inside . . . the barn.
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