Life Outside the Computer

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Almanac, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Verridith

    Verridith QUEEN of GOLD !! Game Owner

    I'm a landscaping assistant currently! I do both softscape (planting, pruning, garden maintenance) and hardscape (rock walls, bricks, heavy machinery, cobble) stuff, and have been working since March on it. <3 I used to be a ranch caretaker, babysitter, dabbled in retail (and hated it), and I dabbled in art commissions for a while, but have focused on site art and personal art/gifts because I don't need the income anymore. :D
  2. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    Ranch caretaker- now there's a challenging job. I was a trail guide in the mid-90s, it didn't pay much but it was the best job I have ever had.
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  3. Verridith

    Verridith QUEEN of GOLD !! Game Owner

    At the first ranch I was at where I did caretaking alone, it wasn't bad at all xD I lived alone on the ranch and took care of I think 20 or so horses, but there were almost always people there to help. The next one though... oh god. 20 horses (they started with 6) on a crummy ranch with 40 other various sorts of animals and 4 kids. Never. Again. ;-;
  4. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    I would have been one of those people helping. Aside from trail guide part of my duties were to help the Ranch Boss and feed the horses- both the hack line and the borders. Everything I learned about horses, I learned from this job. And I would do it again, given the chance.
    Verridith likes this.
  5. FriedKilamari

    FriedKilamari Newcomer Game Owner

    I got my degree in Culinary Arts and worked as a chef in the cafe of a health insurance headquarters. I was in charge of making the daily specials, helping with hot catering, as well as working with the toughest health department in the state. I did inventory management, organized the freezing, did some ordering--I was even in charge of rewriting recipes for my station (because the food was sub-par when I took over).

    I worked with loads of customers, had a lot of regulars, and it was great even if it was exhausting. Corporate basically ruined the experience for me, and after my degenerating spine became too bad for me to hold a job I had to leave for my health.

    Now I'm a freelance illustrator, working on commission! It's rewarding and difficult in its own ways, and it sucks that I can't use my degree anymore, but I get to pursue a different passion of mine!
    Elena likes this.
  6. Achera

    Achera Newcomer

    My outside life is actually attending school for a degree in graphic design! I usually average around 12+ hours a week in classes and then there's the time for homework. I'm in my senior year so right now it's a lot of getting my portfolio together and making sure all my work is the best it can be.

    Similarly, I hold 3 (kinda 4) on-campus jobs. One of them is being the graphic designer for my department so I do the website, graphic posters, and the kinda part on the number is that I do recruitment for my department. So I'll be at all the open houses advertising, answering questions, and really trying to draw people in. The other job is being the graphic designer for the school of arts and communications. This summer I worked on the school's recruitment advertisements from posters to flyers, postcards, and table banners for when recruiters are on the road for college fairs. My last job (i know, a lot) is being a desk assistant at the residents' dorms checking id's to make sure people live there. If they don't, I sign them into the building so we have a record of all the people who have been in there. This job has a lot of odd hours since it's normally from 8pm-2am so I have a messed up sleep schedule, but hey it's money!

    I also do on occasion take art commissions, but lately I've been so busy with school and work that I tend to just do site art and stuff for friends/myself. It really depends but I do like commissions so hey!
    Elena likes this.
  7. SirArchangel

    SirArchangel Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm.. a lot of half-made things, haha. I do have a diploma in dancing, but I'm currently studying web programming instead. I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up (I'm currently 25)... Other than that, I spend a lot of time with my horse. I wish someone would pay me for living on a mountain and having horses, but alas. ><; That's not how life works.
    Elena likes this.
  8. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    I work at Amazon full-time for a living, trying to get involved in their extra curricular activities while waiting out a written to go for a promotion. My manager wants me to move up, and I'd love to help the inbound stow section of the warehouse get better results. Don't know why, but it's actually a fun and challenging department.

    On top of that, I'm looking to go back to school, probably get a welding cert and jump into the welding scene. Either that or go for something with computers with a minor in business management...
    *shrug* We'll see, right???
    For now, it's moving up the Amazon ladder!
    Elena likes this.
  9. White Canary

    White Canary Newcomer Game Owner

    I actually help my mom. Her health is bad and there's a lot of things she can't do anymore without some help so I'm here caregiver which really doesn't allow me much of a social life outside of the internet but my mom and I are close so I don't really mind helping her all that much. One of the things I most enjoy doing is going shopping with my mom for groceries and other things she needs because we always out to eat and just enjoy spending the day together.
    Archivist likes this.
  10. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Are you me? Is your mom my mom?

    This is my life.
  11. TheDjinn

    TheDjinn Newcomer

    At the moment, I'm a freshman in college, and taking classes online. I don't really know where I want to end up yet, because I don't have a set career in mind. I do, however, fully intend on fulfilling my childhood dream of publishing a fiction novel. Other than that, I have a few ideas for my future. Maybe work as a historian? An anthropologist studying botany? A parapsychologist? Start a publishing company, cafe, or book-store? IDK. One of these things. I'm relatively sure you don't need a college degree to publish a book.

    I don't actually have a job though, so it's hard to say what I actually want to do. Nor do I have a car, or driver's license.
    Verridith likes this.
  12. InDireStraits

    InDireStraits Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm a social media manager for some non-profits! It's a lot of fun and very rewarding.
  13. TeamAS

    TeamAS Newcomer Game Owner

    I currently work in auto loan collections, but I'm also going to school for an associate's in creative writing with a double bachelor's in computer programming and video game design. I have 4 dogs, a cat, and 2 turtles!
  14. White Diamond

    White Diamond Newcomer Game Owner

    I just attend school and go work with an organization that works to give youth a voice
  15. BunnyGirl18

    BunnyGirl18 Newcomer Game Owner

    Currently, i'm on dialysis 3x a week--so i pretty much have a lot of time to spend on the computer. but thats mostly why i create rp forums to help pass the time.
  16. Crystalfrost

    Crystalfrost Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm a college student close to finishing my undergrad. Planning to find a good DVM program and become a veterinarian :D

    I also work at an escape room right now. Which is the Best. Job. Ever.
  17. Estorica

    Estorica Newcomer Game Owner

    I sort of, work for the government. I help companies and people who call in clear away computer issues. Some are Viruses, others bugs from updates. Walk my dogs, listen to audio books, and have days with my wife.
  18. Kiva KJ

    Kiva KJ Newcomer

    I work with property taxes and various things that that deals with (it's a bore and no one really wants to know the details ever)
  19. eleholly

    eleholly Newcomer Game Owner

    I am a pharmacist and amateur genealogist. I work in infectious diseases so I get to play with bacteria and viruses all day long, and then when I come home, I write and investigate my family and other people's family histories. It's fun and I get to travel all over the place to explore my hobbies. Additionally, on the side, I'm trying to complete and publish my first novel.
    Elena likes this.
  20. Orion

    Orion Newcomer Game Owner

    Life outside the computer!? Don't know such a thing.
    But in all serious, I'm an aspiring social worker and a graphic designer.
    Elena likes this.
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