These are a few of my favorite things...

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Poufkin, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. Poufkin

    Poufkin Newcomer Game Owner

    What are some of your personal favorite things about the site(s) you're on/have been on?

    Anything from specifics-- like that one really awesome event to general things like "the community". Crazy plots? Fast pace? Something that makes it unique or interactive? What does it for you, I wanna hear it allllll.
  2. Death Kitten

    Death Kitten Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Game Owner

    I love creative plots where things go in unexpected directions, everyone is able to be involved, and it drives you to want to read everything that's happening as it happens.
    Ruin and Poufkin like this.
  3. ExodusRising

    ExodusRising Newcomer Game Owner

    Awards, I love having something to try and achieve while also just having fun with my characters. And definitely plots that every character can be involved in I think are important :)
    Poufkin likes this.
  4. AcrossTimeAndSpace

    AcrossTimeAndSpace Newcomer Game Owner

    Well first off its the people. They are all super kind, creative and fun to just talk/plot with! Another is just the expansion of the different fandoms or universes. There is always room to grow and make new friends.
    Poufkin likes this.
  5. circe

    circe Newcomer Game Owner

    For me, the winner is always the community. Being able to actively plot, most and interact with like minded rp'ers always sends me to my happy place and the sites that I've hung around on have always offered a mixture of those attributes.

    Other than that a cracking Main Plot, with staff activity and lots of opportunities for character events and trauma always helps wonders so your writing doesn't go stale - or at least thats how it feels for me. Currently I'm very active on two boards, one huge one and one small. Both have pro's and con's - but I love the community on both and thats what keeps me coming back.
    Poufkin likes this.
  6. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    The community is the most important thing. I'd rather spend my time with nice people who're mediocre writers than great writers who're jerks.
    Poufkin and Death Kitten like this.
  7. Poufkin

    Poufkin Newcomer Game Owner

    VarnishedTruths likes this.
  8. Archaeon

    Archaeon Resident Game Owner

    I'm going to repeat the sentiment of a lot of people but the first and foremost thing has to be the community. I've found a few fabulous games in the past (brilliant plots/characters/writing etc) but lost interest after a while purely because of the community. It's so, so important to be able to feel free to throw ideas around. To feel appreciated. Not to mention it's nice to sometimes just shoot the breeze with like minded folks when the muses aren't up to much.

    After that, for me, it's the plot and plotting. I like a good yarn so I'm always on the look out for an interesting site wide plot or theme first of all. Then I always sneak a peek at the character plotters to see if they're active. I appreciate that after the initial flourish people might take to using PM or IM to hammer out the details. But I like to see that the members are willing to bounce a few ideas around and contemplate taking things in different directions.

    Everything else just tends to fall into place after that. Interesting characters make for interesting plots. So the two often, but admittedly not always, go hand in hand. Obviously I prefer good, solid writing but so long as it's creative I don't mind.

    I also like a pretty site if it's not a PBeM game. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean beautiful graphics everywhere. It just means clean and easy to navigate in my book. No eye-bleeding colours or overlapping CBOX/Forums etc.

    When all of that comes together in one sweet little package, well then I'm a very happy little bunny indeed!
    Death Kitten likes this.
  9. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    Oh gosh. I hope it's in a good way, @Poufkin! I'd rather be Internet microfamous than internationally infamous.
  10. Ruin

    Ruin Resident Game Owner

    For me it's also community! I love a community where everyone is relaxed, but also willing to plot and thread. It can be pretty annoying when a site seems welcoming and everyone loves you while you're creating a character, but once the character is created nobody wants to plot or reply to threads. -shakes fist-

    I also like a certain standard of writers. Yes, I'm that fussy person.

    Skins can influence my decision quite a lot too! If your site uses teeny tiny fonts and templates that are squashed little boxes in which I need to scroll past every sentence to read what's there, I'll close that window immediately. So, I love clean minimalist layouts most. <3
    Poufkin likes this.
  11. Poufkin

    Poufkin Newcomer Game Owner

    @Ruin : lol, you and I both on all of these things. c:
    Ruin likes this.
  12. thewanderer2156

    thewanderer2156 Newcomer Game Owner

    I really like that a site I was on did notable awards. People would submit their nominations privately then the members would all come together and vote for a winner. The winners would receive a special icon
  13. Elena

    Elena Resident Game Owner

    The community is important, but it runs second to a story which inspires me to further it, and which can be coherent and developed. When people are inconsequent or don't research I can't like it.
  14. Tella

    Tella Newcomer Game Owner

    I have to say the community. I like to be drawn in and make friends that's one of the big beauties of Roleplaying is making lifelong friends.
    Elena likes this.
  15. InDireStraits

    InDireStraits Newcomer Game Owner

    I essentially grew up on my main forum. I joined when I was 15, and I'm 27 now. Like, wow! They helped me through some rough times.

    Otherwise though I like that it's overall flexible and everyone is a huge nerd who likes talking animals.
    Elena likes this.