Local Squid says Hello!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by FriedKilamari, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. FriedKilamari

    FriedKilamari Newcomer Game Owner

    Heyo! My name is Kila c: I'm a 26 year old professional artist. I've been roleplaying for 13+ years, and it's such a huge part of my life that I met my fiance in a roleplay on neopets. I was 13, she was 9, it was friendship at first RP.

    I'm a pretty chill person with a lot of hobbies: drawing, cooking, writing, knitting, etc! I really like geology and gemstones. And animals. A lot of animals. I have a lot of pets (three cats, three lizards, and a dog).

    Please talk to me about your pets.
    Mim likes this.
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Hey Kila and welcome to RPGFix :)
    Mim likes this.
  3. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Hiya Kila and a big welcome to Fix from moi .....damn I gotta get the boss onto giving us some decent smilies

    animals!!! I have a frikkin zoo Lol.
  4. FriedKilamari

    FriedKilamari Newcomer Game Owner

    Tell me all about your zoo >Oc I love hearing about people's pets!