Life Outside the Computer

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Almanac, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Almanac

    Almanac Newcomer Game Owner

    I think it's so interesting to get to know people via RP and then learn that we come from all walks of life. I have a number of friends now that I never would have connected with outside of RPing, because our fields are so drastically different from each other.

    So my question is, aside from your RP life, what is it that you really do?

    I'm 4 months away from becoming a veterinarian :o
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  2. Elena

    Elena Resident Game Owner

    An economist, now retired (or retiring, as not all the paperwork is complete yet).
    Mim and Almanac like this.
  3. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Wow, now there you go Almanac, I graduated in 2012 in Vet Med, I've since done my Post Grad in Radiology. Since doing my internship, I wanted to do so many things, working with horses was my number one priority. Sadly though to do that the best offer I had was in another state so I turned it down. I had though up until my pregnancy last year been working for our Government Quarantine Service at the airport, if you've seen that British TV show Arc, that is what I did. Now I have my hands full with my baby, I'm not in any rush to return to work other than the odd job in modeling, which is what I did all through Uni.

    Lena, Mum is officially retiring this week. ^_^
    Elena likes this.
  4. Almanac

    Almanac Newcomer Game Owner

    Oh man, with how much time/effort/**money** I've put into this profession, I can't imagine putting it on the back burner! But mostly just because I would drown in debt and then probably die.

    I'm totally not dramatic at all xD

    I'm waiting to hear back through the Match to see if I got an internship for the coming year, but if I don't I honestly am 100% okay with that. Eventually I'm going to specialize in Neuro, but I'm fine with taking the long road to get there. That's so cool that you went on to do other things! An inspiration, truly.
    Mim likes this.
  5. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    My biggest problem with working in practice is my social etiquette, I am utterly useless dealing directly with humans, aka animals owners. I will still try and chase down that dream job working full time with horses, as in possibly a racing stable, but until then I'm happy doing what I do. I am helping the local vet part time on big jobs, so that's cool as well since we're a farming community, that part time often ends up being two or three days straight on one case. I can only say, go for what you want :)

    Awww, thank you. ^_^
    Elena and Almanac like this.
  6. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    There's life outside the computer?
    Archivist and Elena like this.
  7. Almanac

    Almanac Newcomer Game Owner

    Only sometimes :P
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  8. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    usually for me its Sunday :D
    Archivist likes this.
  9. Bamf

    Bamf Resident Game Owner

    I'm a counselor for people with severe mental health problems.
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  10. grimfox

    grimfox Resident Game Owner

    I run the oldest community theater company (shakespeare company, specifically) in my city :) I'm the Secretary of the board of directors, and I am the Stage Manager and Assistant Director for most of our productions.

    Unfortunately, that is unpaid (although I'd definitely consider it a full time job) so my day job is at a radiology facility.
    Mim likes this.
  11. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    @grimfox that is so cool. I love the theater! I do ameteur musicals
  12. Hiccup

    Hiccup Newcomer Game Owner

    On summer break at the moment, but I'm in school to become a concept artist in the gaming industry, I've got 1 or 2 semesters left before I graduate, and then I'm looking to get a job at Gearbox, the company that puts the Borderlands games out. They've got a Headquarters in my state and that's my favorite game series, so it makes sense hehe!
    Mim likes this.
  13. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    That is so freaking awesome! I am jealous
  14. Sage

    Sage Newcomer

    I'm a social media and web content strategist. My previous position was at a craft beer distributor and I'm currently interviewing at a few universities and writing magazines! I also do some part time work in local television and news, mostly as a writer/producer.
    Elena likes this.
  15. John Hurt
    Caffeine Fix

    John Hurt Newcomer

    Air Force Security Police Veteran
    now i am a foreman for a commercial door company
    Verridith and Elena like this.
  16. musewithme

    musewithme Newcomer Game Owner

    A legal secretary for our county's Public Defender's office. Aspiring to return to school and be a lawyer.
  17. TakodaVega
    Caffeine Fix

    TakodaVega Newcomer

    I go to school full time and work in customer service for a utility company. It's not necessarily the best job but it pays the bills.
  18. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    I have a home based business, caregiver of cats, and I write. I'm also working on my Associate degree in English. my plan is to transfer from the 2 into a 4 yr for a bachelor then, giving time an MFA in creative writing.

    My first writing credit is the correspondence course Breaking into Print- through Long Ridge Writers Group ( now Institute for Writers) It's been an interesting experience and a challenge to me as a writer.
  19. dreamsleever

    dreamsleever Newcomer Game Owner

    I don't have much of a life outside of the Internet. What it is, is mostly buying groceries, learning to drive, getting coffee (I prefer coffee made by other people, mine doesn't taste so good), and going places with my best friend (a different restaurant each week). ^.^
    Archivist likes this.
  20. Hebe

    Hebe Newcomer Game Owner

    Outside of the computer, I have a part time accounts receivable job and I'm studying medical transcription. I like crafty hobbies like crochet and watercolors. And for exercise, ballroom dancing is how I like to stay healthy.
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