Preference for RP?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by cyclops, Mar 12, 2016.


RP Medium

  1. Forum

  2. Email

  3. Live Chat (IM or IRC)

  4. Live Meat-Space (Tabletop)


    STFMAC Newcomer

    I'll always be attracted to forum based rp. I live a busy life, so live forms would never be an option for me.

  2. grimfox

    grimfox Resident Game Owner

    I run a forum, play in tabletop games, do email rp, do chat rp, and play in live action roleplaying games. I'm a little bit of a fanatic :p
  3. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    I specifically stick to forums, because it's just easier imo.
    Archivist likes this.
  4. Marin

    Marin Newcomer Game Owner

    I used to do chat-based RPs, but like... I'm a very methodical poster. Throwing most of that thought process out the window in order to keep up with a chat RP is very uncomfortable for me these days. Now I prefer forums, where I can sit down and structure my posts to deliver a thoughtful narrative and calmly think through my character's muse.

    Plus, leading an RP while simultaneously trying to play my own character sounds just awful in a chat RP.
  5. Hiccup

    Hiccup Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer Forums BUT I have done a lot of RPs with friends over Skype and now Discord, I'll always been an old curmudgeon stuck to forum RPing though, if only because it allowed for much more customization and world building!
  6. Sage

    Sage Newcomer

    I will always prefer forum rps, just because the information is so easily laid out. I don't have to manually keep track of threads or plots as there's a record on the forum and it's more easily organized. I will do email rp occasionally, but I hate doing rapid chat-based rp. I need time to formulate a post - I can't really rapidfire to save my life.

    I don't really have an experience with tabletop! I mean I've done some boardgames that were semi-tabletop style rp, but nothing serious or involved. I think it's fun, but my social circle isn't really into it!
  7. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    I prefer forum based RP, less pressure and easier to archive. Insane as it sounds I love to archive.
    Mister Karma likes this.
  8. dreamsleever

    dreamsleever Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer to roleplay via forums. This is because I can edit my posts, and also add in aesthetics. Can't do that with email. And it takes time for me to think about what my character's reaction would be, so I've had difficulty with TableTop and IM.
    Archivist likes this.
  9. Secret_Circle

    Secret_Circle Newcomer Game Owner

    I used to play only on AIM, because of the ability to have large scenes with many players all chatting in real time. However, forum RP allows me to chat with people that don't have access to that kind of network. I am really liking Discord recently because it allows me to have that live element but nothing to download.
    Mister Karma likes this.
  10. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    I used to do a ton of AIM and forum RP hand in hand. The forum would have an established world, and while we would do thread RPs we also did live chat RPs that would interlink with the forum.

    Then AIM died.

    I do greatly prefer forum RP, though, as there are fewer character limitations and you can take your time posting your reply. You're also a more established member on a forum and, depending on member base, you can easily fit into your own clique of RPers. If it's small, it's a chance at helping it grow. I got my start on forum RP, so I guess I'm biased.
  11. Inkeh

    Inkeh Newcomer

    I really don't like the forums. I think that they are simply annoying, not knowing if someone is there or not. If I have my rp buddies added on Skype I'll just message them all and have them join me if they can. If not, then we don't rp. Much easier than checking in every 20 minutes I have free time to check on a forum.
    Mister Karma likes this.
  12. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    If you start a forum with a tightly knit circle of friends and then spread it by word of mouth, there's a 50/50 odds of it making it big.
  13. Inkeh

    Inkeh Newcomer

    I think the odds are still 50/50 even if you don't have a forum, just a matter of whose interested.
  14. thewanderer2156

    thewanderer2156 Newcomer Game Owner

    I most def love forum!
  15. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    True but at least you have an established universe and archived canon.
  16. White Canary

    White Canary Newcomer Game Owner

    I've recently spent more time roleplaying on forums then anyplace else. I used to do a lot of Chat RP over messengers but I haven't done that in years. I now roleplay on forums and on tumblr. Those are my preferences of where to RP.
  17. BlueDoctorMan

    BlueDoctorMan Blueberry Lemming

    I honestly prefer meatspace and chat, but at the moment I'm in a post by post blog style.
  18. Forums are best for me, you can format posts etc and keep track of the story. Chat is kind of too fast, and requires eveybody to be online simultaneously.
    Archivist likes this.
  19. starfire

    starfire Newcomer Game Owner

    I also prefer forums. Sometimes if my writing partner is online, we'll write a scene more or less in real-time through a chat program (Discord, AIM, yahoo) and then clean up the formatting and post it on the forum. Best of both worlds!
    Archivist likes this.
  20. InDireStraits

    InDireStraits Newcomer Game Owner

    I do forum rp primarily, but I actually enjoy short forum (through discord or another IM) more. It's faster, and I can rp while working on something else.
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