
Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Michael Aravan, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. alphaSHIELD

    alphaSHIELD Newcomer Game Owner

    I've not advertised yet, but I typically find that I have more luck by being able to target members directly. However I do like the SEO options on here etc, and as ever I like that this is nice and easily sorted rather than a mix of having to go through boards.
  2. Antares

    Antares Newcomer Game Owner

    Well, bear this in mind: Even if folks aren't coming directly from here, the more posts you have with a link to your site in it, the higher google and other search engines rank you in results. So it may not be a direct effect so much as a cumulative one :) Besides, never hurts to have you name out there, right? :)
    Death Kitten and Elena like this.
  3. Duchess

    Duchess Newcomer Game Owner

    I haven't been able to advertise here yet... but I'm hoping I'll be able to edit or post here again once I have to answer this.

    I do wonder how effective directories like these are, though...
  4. Demicafatali

    Demicafatali Resident Game Owner

    Admittedly I'm lucky to get 1 new player a year... and that's with me doing 20 some sites like this every 3 months.
  5. Duchess

    Duchess Newcomer Game Owner

    I mean, I'm lucky enough that I have a small base of friends who join my sites when I make them and same with my staff team but the need to have fresh blood to keep your site fresh and active... it seems like half the time, what I think is working really isn't working.
  6. Demicafatali

    Demicafatali Resident Game Owner

    Totally agreed. I'm in kinda the same boat. I have a handful of friends I started RPing with who stuck around but... without fresh blood and new ideas, people get into a rut.
  7. Duchess

    Duchess Newcomer Game Owner

    Yep, that's exactly what's happening with me. I've posted and advertised on directories and other sites; hit up rp requests that people post looking for sites and I haven't really gotten any luck. It really makes you question two things: does adverting and recruiting work, or is there something wrong with your site?
  8. Demicafatali

    Demicafatali Resident Game Owner

    I think that issue is that most players are insanely picky folk. They have two or three genres they want to play in, and if your not the genre they won't even look at your site cross-wise. They are also extremely specific about the medium, I've had nothing but hassles trying to get message board players, or IM only players, to adapt to a an email RP.

    Though, I also find there is a bigger RP base for foreign countries O.o. Not sure if thats just my encounters though.
    Elena likes this.
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