Favorite Ice Cream

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Bamf, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. Bamf

    Bamf Resident Game Owner

    Mine is Rocky Road.... now go!
  2. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Rum n Raisin and Strawberry Ripple. I do have a hankering for choc mint sometimes to :D
  3. molzify

    molzify Newcomer Game Owner

    Ben & Jerry's One Love its banana base with cookie swirled through and dark chocolate pieces and I have a horrible feeling it was only a limited edition one *cries loudly*
    Mim likes this.

    STFMAC Newcomer

    Mine is chocolate, and will always be chocolate :)
  5. grimfox

    grimfox Resident Game Owner

    chocolateeee <3
  6. Sage

    Sage Newcomer

    There's a thin mint ice cream. Like the girl scout cookies. So good.
  7. Hiccup

    Hiccup Newcomer Game Owner

    It's this one kind of ice cream called Bride's cake...It's like a vanilla ice cream with chunks of vanilla cake in it, but it had this distinct amaretto flavor that is so smooth and delicious. I mean I kind of just love ice cream in general, but that one is definitely absolutely amazing, especially if you already love amaretto!
  8. Nixie

    Nixie Newcomer Game Owner

    Mint choc chip all the way!
  9. oddradish

    oddradish Newcomer

    Green tea! My mouth is watering just thinking of it!
  10. John Hurt
    Caffeine Fix

    John Hurt Newcomer

    Vienna Mocha Chunk
  11. Trixx

    Trixx Newcomer Game Owner

    I'd swap ice cream out for sorbet on any occasion
  12. Tabs

    Tabs Newcomer

    Vanilla Bean. :)
  13. musewithme

    musewithme Newcomer Game Owner

    Chocolate :P You can't go wrong with it.
  14. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    Great Value's mint chocolate chip - this one doesn't use the green dye
  15. SinfilledJay

    SinfilledJay Newcomer

    Mint chocolate chip.
  16. Verridith

    Verridith QUEEN of GOLD !! Game Owner

    Oh no you ask me this? LOL. xD Chocolate! Or vanilla. Or cara- yeah I'll just stop at chocolate. Cx <3
    Archivist likes this.
  17. Aquarius

    Aquarius Fresh Blood

  18. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    Too many to list, but if it's chocolate and has stuff in it to eat, there ya go. That's pretty much my favorite!
  19. Sea salt caramel and chocolate chip cookie dough :)
  20. White Canary

    White Canary Newcomer Game Owner

    Mine is Vanilla or Cookies n' Cream because I absolutely love Oreo Cookies.
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