Preference for RP?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by cyclops, Mar 12, 2016.


RP Medium

  1. Forum

  2. Email

  3. Live Chat (IM or IRC)

  4. Live Meat-Space (Tabletop)

  1. unfairest

    unfairest Newcomer Game Owner

    Forums all the way; I've tried other formats but they just don't work. I like the community feeling a forum has, the organization, and the ability to create aesthetics (I'm a graphic designer lol). I get confused elsewhere.
  2. Ferret

    Ferret Newcomer Game Owner

    Forums! I like being able to think about a post / no pressure like chat rp.
    Elena likes this.
  3. batmusic

    batmusic Newcomer Game Owner

    These days I RP strictly on forums. I used to do 1x1 stuff over chat back in the day, but I vastly prefer being a part of an actual community with a specific setting and lore, other folks to play with, and so on.
  4. LuckGandor

    LuckGandor Newcomer

    I prefer forums, though I'm not opposed to using other methods.
  5. Bamf

    Bamf Resident Game Owner

    I prefer forums for right now. As I have a lot of personal life stuff (don't we all?) school and work.
    Mim likes this.
  6. feathertail

    feathertail Newcomer

    I have yet to experience tabletop rp, unless you count writing it on a piece of paper and passing it to a friend and she passing it back with her reply, furtively, in the middle of class...?
    Mim likes this.
  7. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Wow, you did that to? ^_^
  8. feathertail

    feathertail Newcomer

    Yes! Thankfully never got caught haha! That'd've been hard to explain...
    Mim likes this.
  9. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    *blushes* I got caught, 3 times I think Lol
  10. molzify

    molzify Newcomer Game Owner

    Forum, that way there's records of what has been said and done by my characters as I am notoriously forgetful.
    Elena and Mim like this.
  11. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    I see a lot of people still doing RP on Facebook. I also notice there that they rarely last more than a few months
  12. otherspacer

    otherspacer Newcomer Game Owner

    For nearly 19 years, I've been roleplaying in a real-time, text-based MUSH environment (which has grown increasingly underpopulated with time). I'm now an evangelist for Slack-based RP, which offers a hybrid of real-time and forum possibilities.
    Mim likes this.
  13. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Could you explain that? I'm not familiar with either of those terms.
  14. otherspacer

    otherspacer Newcomer Game Owner

    Which ones? I'm guessing "MUSH" and "Slack?"

    MUSH: Multi-user Shared Hallucination. Basically, just a roleplay-focused derivative of old-school MUDS - text-based multiplayer games you can play online in real-time.

    Slack: Web-based chat program (and smartphone app) that got started as a corporate communication/productivity tool, but some RP-focused games like mine are adopting for our own evil ends.
  15. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Ah, right. ^_^ I guess forum based RPG's are a bit of both really aren't they?
    otherspacer likes this.
  16. dragonwriter

    dragonwriter Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm old school and prefer email-based RPs :) I don't mind forums, I love graphics and such, but email was what I started in.
  17. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    I can't work out how that even exists today. I know my Mum started out in a similar way (by fax), but my concept of RPing is that they are stories we write that can be read by the public...and enjoyed by them to. ^_^
    Elena likes this.
  18. Clockwork Galaxy

    Clockwork Galaxy Newcomer Game Owner

    Of the options listed, I voted 'forum,' though I also enjoy Tabletop as well - when we all have the time to meet up. I just get bored with other types of RPs. I guess I like feeling like there's an actual 'world' in which my characters can exist. Email and chat-based RP have never done that for me. Tumblr has a similar problem. It feels too transitory and not 'real' enough... idk how exactly to explain it.
  19. SpiritMafia

    SpiritMafia Newcomer Game Owner

    I like forum and chat equally but for different reasons. I'd never do a chat e-fed because I need time to consider my promos, but I really like chat for original settings and characters especially if there is a lot of action/combat
  20. PipertheHyena

    PipertheHyena Newcomer Game Owner

    for pure RP, forum.
    For socialising and RP, meat-space.
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