How long have you been roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Amorous, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    I don't know how long, it has been that long. At least a couple of decades for sure, maybe closer to three? Anyhow, still chugging along, :)
  2. Will wlaker

    Will wlaker Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been simming for about 10 years. Got started with Star Trek. I now own and run a fleet and host a Star Trek Nova-based SIM and a Stargate Nova-based SIM.
  3. Jimlock

    Jimlock Newcomer Game Owner

    2004. But wrote slash fan fiction before that
  4. alphaSHIELD

    alphaSHIELD Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been writing since I was 10 in a roleplay situation xD

    That just makes me feel ancient! I mean I'm 27 now
  5. rhysie

    rhysie Newcomer

    About 12 years now, getting old :(
  6. MNHorus

    MNHorus Resident

    Been roleplaying for 8 or 9 years; but yeah it does make one feel old.
  7. k0nigwulf

    k0nigwulf Newcomer Game Owner

    In total, almost 15 years.

    I've taken breaks here and there though, it definitely wasn't a full blown 15 lol.
  8. unfairest

    unfairest Newcomer Game Owner

    11 years! Wow.
  9. Ferret

    Ferret Newcomer Game Owner

    about 15 years, give or take.
    Elena likes this.
  10. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Over 20 years.
  11. TheDarkHour

    TheDarkHour Newcomer

    Since I was 15. Feels like forever my hobby is rp I guess.
  12. molzify

    molzify Newcomer Game Owner

    On/off for about ten years XD I was 10 when I discovered a wildly inappropriate RP on voy forums. I've been rping consistently for about 4 years now though!
  13. Almanac

    Almanac Newcomer Game Owner

    Oh man... This is a tough question. I think I've been at it for something like 10 years :x
    I started out on an equine RPG called Windriver Valley. Anyone else from that site?
  14. batmusic

    batmusic Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been RPing online since I was around 14, and I'll be turning 29 in a few days, so... quite a while!

    I feel so old now. 8D *turns to dust*
    Almanac likes this.
  15. LuckGandor

    LuckGandor Newcomer

    I have been roleplaying four about ten years now!
  16. Bamf

    Bamf Resident Game Owner

    <.< Little less than a year <3
  17. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Over 20 years.
  18. feathertail

    feathertail Newcomer

    I started in '13 so... wow, four years now. So long! xD at least compared to my lifespan so far
  19. otherspacer

    otherspacer Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been roleplaying since the 1970s, when I chased my little brother around the backyard shouting "Bang! Bang!" and blasting him with my invisible gun.

    I got my start in online RP in the mid-1990s, however, after earlier experiences with tabletop gaming.
  20. sober

    sober Newcomer

    It's probably been about 12 or 13 years for me by now. Started on neopets writing quick one/two sentence posts. How I've grown (now writing on average 5 sentences... [joke])!
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