If you post and nobody answers...

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by VarnishedTruths, Mar 15, 2016.



  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. alphaSHIELD

    alphaSHIELD Newcomer Game Owner

    Besides you may find that while you think no one was around to hear the tree falling someone MAY have been but you never really knew they were there. Also if you knew the tree fell in the forest you -had- to have been there to hear it fall, otherwise how did you know the tree fell in the forest?
    Elena likes this.
  2. k0nigwulf

    k0nigwulf Newcomer Game Owner

    Actually by the definition of sound:
    We can deduct that in order for a sound to be produced there must be a source and a receiver or else no sound is made at all.
    Elena likes this.
  3. Dantalion

    Dantalion Newcomer Game Owner

    I hate when people drop a thread. They just stop replying and you can't really nag them. Sometimes people just aren't feeling it anymore and don't say so or something in life happened and they don't mention it.

    I dislike leaving threads unfinished though. It's sad cause its a part of your characters timeline and history.
    Elena likes this.
  4. EliteKilljoy

    EliteKilljoy Newcomer

    No. You're trying to talk to someone. The fact that nobody answers doesn't mean you're talking to yourself.
  5. roleplayark

    roleplayark Fresh Blood

    This feels like a chicken or egg sort of philsophical debate.