How did you get started with roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. TF72CO

    TF72CO Newcomer

    I started in 1980-something with D&D 1st Edition. 30+years later and I'm still gaming, but now it's mostly online Star Trek simming
  2. Wolfie

    Wolfie Newcomer Game Owner

    I only started writing about three years ago. My first sim was in Pegasus Fleet on the USS Viper, but I didn't really get into role playing until I joined a sim in Obsidian Fleet. When OF closed their chatroom, I migrated over to Bravo Fleet where I spent two years. Today I'm back in Pegasus Fleet with a new sim looking for a fresh start. :)

    I mostly write in the Trek universe, if you can't tell by the orgs I mentioned. But, I have been part of Stargate and Firefly sims before.
  3. Dalibor

    Dalibor Newcomer Game Owner

    I started with "playing pretend" as a kid and just never stopped... eventually I learned to call it 'writing' and 'roleplaying' instead of just 'playing'. :) I think my first conscious "this is roleplaying" was over 15 years ago, probably for a video game fandom.
  4. beccaday02

    beccaday02 Newcomer

    I think I googled 'join Hogwarts School' when I was like 13. I just kind of led me to a roleplay site, and since I have always loved creative writing I thought it was perfect haha.
  5. Chay

    Chay Newcomer Game Owner

    I started online roleplaying when I was eleven years old, I think. It was on FunOrb, a site that is now all but dead. The writing honestly wasn't that great looking back at it, but for a young'in, it was awesome, and it expanded my interest into the crazy fanatic I am today.
  6. LunaDeSangre

    LunaDeSangre Newcomer Game Owner

    I started around 11 with Harry Potter. It was a simple Harry Potter site and it was still one-liners but it got me interested in my current love. That site randomly disappeared one night which broke my heart too. :(
  7. Idle Omens

    Idle Omens Newcomer Game Owner

    I started when I was around eight: my dad was an employee of a certain company that produced RPG supplemental material and I found myself enthralled in it. It started with the Never Ending Story, though I was quickly picked up by a group of serious roleplayers that I am still friends with to this day. We've moved from site to site, from Blurty to Insane Journal, now to Dreamwidth, picking random scenarios or throwing ourselves into a project such as our current.
  8. Nano
    Anime Lover

    Nano Newcomer Game Owner

    Friends of mine wanted to "pretend" (we didnt think of it as RP, ha) online in a game, but chat play, especially with cheesy one-liners didn't appeal to me even then. So i went with the "This is stupid" option and went to look for more involved experiences, ending up on a forum that seemed decent at the time with a minimum contribution length and certain amount of character depth, detail, etc required. 13 year old Nano went into the deep end. Took me like a week to be reasonably ready for the place.
  9. Cait

    Cait Resident Game Owner

    I was eleven, and I was trying to figure out how to get into Hogwarts... I wish that was a joke, haha. But anyway, I found a Harry Potter RPG, and it was the next best thing. I've been playing ever since. <3
  10. Will wlaker

    Will wlaker Newcomer Game Owner

    I started in a yahoo group then got recruited into a fleet. Left that one after a disagreement with CO who basically took over my character and started writing for me. Joined Alliance fleet and ran it for a bit before going out on my own and starting my own fleet.
  11. Jimlock

    Jimlock Newcomer Game Owner

    I first started 'roleplaying' I supposed when I was a kid, and would pretend to be various creatures ,, doing this with other kids sort of set the stage really, to carve out a lifetime of playing things out that I created and felt the inspiration for!

    Officially roleplaying, on Forums, happened in 2004 ... and I never looked back.
  12. SlumLord

    SlumLord Newcomer Game Owner

    I started on MSN Chat back in the year 2000. Basically you could make your own chat rooms and RP in there.

    My posts and understanding have come a long way from playing a badly MS Paint edited Piccolo from Dragonball Z with purple skin, whose posts consisted of:
    - Walks in-
    -Flies up-
    -Shoots beam, destroying mountain-

  13. MNHorus

    MNHorus Resident

    I started back in 2006-2007, I was young and foolish..but I am still young and foolish so there is that. At least my roleplaying and fluff levels have increased haha.
  14. Sekah

    Sekah Newcomer Game Owner

    I got started by making a Tumblr blog for my favorite character. Now it's my biggest hobby. Who knew?
  15. k0nigwulf

    k0nigwulf Newcomer Game Owner

    My very first RPG was a Zoid's (anime) roleplay forum. I miss those days, Zoids are pretty dead now. We RPed using ::, *, or - and did about 1 - 4 sentences worth of writing back then lol. Most of the time we'd take it to AIM. They were crazy fun though.

    Eventually about 7 years later I moved onto fantasy wolf RP and I've been in love ever since.
  16. unfairest

    unfairest Newcomer Game Owner

    I loved horses, and I was always on the lookout for horse SIM games where you would manage a stable. I joined so many but none of them were very fulfilling. Then I found a forum where you could actually pretend to BE the horse, and, well, here I am today, albeit not RPing animals for several years.
  17. Antares

    Antares Newcomer Game Owner

    Jeebus... 98? 97? Something like that. I started running AIM based Star Wars roleplays with a few friends of mine. That lasted for several years until I discovered and got involved in the PBeM community. From there it was on the Obsidian Fleet, I helped found (ONE OF the incarnations of) Alpha fleet, played in Pegasus Fleet for a while, then back to OF, and finally back in Pegasus Fleet AGAIN, and not planning on going anywhere. It's been a pretty constant part of my life for almost two decades... god I'm old lol
  18. Ferret

    Ferret Newcomer Game Owner

    I definitely played pretend when I was young. I always had a strong interest in animals and it was my searching for animal games that lead me to stumble into my forum first wolf rp.
  19. TheDarkHour

    TheDarkHour Newcomer

    Lol AOL chat rooms.
  20. dragonwriter

    dragonwriter Newcomer Game Owner

    I had read some Dragonriders of Pern books and was searching through yahoo/google for more information about them and stumbled across a play-by-email club. That was 13 years ago.
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