Favorite RP Genre

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Carv, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. famoussTRSG

    famoussTRSG Newcomer

    I really love RPing realistic genre/Human RP types. :)

    I also was apart of many E-feds years ago which are wrestler RP websites where you take on the role of a wrestler in a federation. Those were really fun but became extremely demanding. lol
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  2. Captain Riagain
    Dr Pepper Addict

    Captain Riagain Newcomer Game Owner

    Sci Fi here with Star Trek taking the number one spot followed by Star Wars. After that I really enjoy fantasy and high fantasy RPGs as well.
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  3. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Anyone notice that Star Wars seems to have fallen out of favor a little lately?
    Elena likes this.
  4. Captain Riagain
    Dr Pepper Addict

    Captain Riagain Newcomer Game Owner

    I think the problem is it's very hard to do right. To easy to God Mod if you don't control things and everyone wants to be done kind of force user rather than exploring the other great possibilities.
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  5. Delphi

    Delphi Newcomer Game Owner

    I am a big fan of fantasy and Pern RPs!
  6. sceritz

    sceritz Newcomer

    Almost every RP I've done has been X-men, or at least Marvel related, but there have been a few exceptions. One for example was The Matrix. That was interesting in itself. It was set between the first and reloaded. Fun stuff.
  7. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    The Matrix is such an awesome movie, but I can't say I've ever roleplayed in that world. I'd definitely love to play Neo if I did though.
  8. sceritz

    sceritz Newcomer

    I can't remember but I'm pretty sure I'd made an OC. I just wanted to think of all the cool ways I could bend reality xD
  9. VodkaSlushy

    VodkaSlushy Newcomer

    Period pieces. Old west usually
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  10. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    That is what I found for the most part. The other factor is the way some of the boards force you to take a certain rank, even if its not even compatible with your character.
  11. Cynadea

    Cynadea Newcomer Game Owner

    I am a big High Fantasy fan. Elves, dwarves, dark elves, and so on, but original not fandom. Same with the Gothic/horror/modern fantasy genre. Love it, but don't give me fandom. It's too limiting...
  12. Will wlaker

    Will wlaker Newcomer Game Owner

    I started with Star Trek but now that I've started a Stargate RPG, I'm lovin it.
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  13. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Looks like we have two threads the same. :babychick:
  14. Jimlock

    Jimlock Newcomer Game Owner

    Sci Fi, Psychological. Sometimes Horror and Dark ...
  15. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

  16. rhysie

    rhysie Newcomer

    Usually some kind of supernatural.
  17. MNHorus

    MNHorus Resident

    Fantasy settings, those are my favorite genres, also anime setting are not bad.
  18. unfairest

    unfairest Newcomer Game Owner

    Close tie between fantasy and historical– bonus points if it's both.
  19. Verridith

    Verridith QUEEN of GOLD !! Game Owner

    My favorite genre will always be high fantasy. The sheer freedom of creativity (one thing I strive for in any site I build), the range of things you can do to your characters, the variety of plot and character development, just... everything, haha! I love it!
  20. Ferret

    Ferret Newcomer Game Owner

    I started on wolf rps over a decade ago and to this day I still prefer wolf, animal or were/shifter roleplays. I like immersing myself in a very natural world and striking different balances in the characters between their sentience and humanish characteristics and their instincts and such.
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