
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by RequiemLost, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. Well, like the other two girls that have just signed up here . . . we're just trying to show unity to our project, so here I am. I am from New York, love Hamilton and stalking my friends. :) Well, mostly just lurking in the channels while they talk, whilst keeping hidden.

    I RP a sidhe in our game, though originally I was trying out a tiefling bard. The concept was fun . . . didn't pan out.
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Hey there and welcome :)
  3. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Hi from one newbie to another :) *waves*
  4. Carv

    Carv Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm new as well, so ayee.
  5. Fawkes

    Fawkes Newcomer Game Owner

    Hi there!